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Haha guys I'm sorry, I wrote this in like 7th grade and I cant bring myself to finish it because it's too cringey for me. I no longer ship the bois together since they themselves have said its gross(something like that) but maybe in the future I'll write more bts related stuff or release sum unreleased stuff that I worked on and finished years ago.

anyways I feel that my writing skills have improved...meaning there'll be less grammar mistakes and stuff. idk tho because my creativity has lessened over the years :/

anyways sorry for discontinuing this book. hope you enjoyed it while it lasted. I will be leaving it because I'm proud of the 6k views I got on here.

it makes me feel famous tee hee. anyways again, thank you for the views, votes, and the time you took to read and comment on this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2019 ⏰

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