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"What the hell are you doing sleeping next to him?!" Yelled Yoongi's father.

Yoongi's eyes opened widely and quickly. "Dad its not what you think, he was tired and his mom wouldn't let him come home for a while."

"Bullshit get him the hell out of my house."

"Dad stop, he's still sleeping." Yoongi got off his bed and went to the door where his father was.

"Fine, if I have to do this myself."
Yoongi's father pushed him out of the way and went towards Jungkook.

"Dad stop." Yoongi grabbed his father by the arm and pushed him to the side.

"You little.." Yoongi's dad slapped him across the face, causing Yoongi to fall on the floor. Jungkook woke up when he heard a thud. He sat up quickly. "Jungkook run!!"

(Dasi run run run run...sorry)

He stood up and ran over to Yoongi. "Don't run to me dumbass go run go home."

Jungkook nodded his head and ran. Barley escaping Mr. Mins hands.

Yoongi was still on the floor holding his face. "You are going to pay for that." Mr. Min said.
Yoongi stood up and pushed his dad. "I hate you." Yoongi ran out of his room and house.

Yoongi only ran faster. He didn't know where he was going. He wasn't going to Jungkooks house, because he knew his father would look there first. He ran straight to Hoseoks house. That was all he could think of. Sure his father would look there too but Hoseok was the only one that was good at keeping secrets.

"Open up please Hoseok" he banged on his door harder each time. "Please Hoseok."
Hoseok was on his phone listening to his music with his earphones.

"Hoseok please!!" Yoongi gave up and sat down on his doorstep. He pulled his knees closer to his chest and began crying.

"I should've let him go home, I should have stopped liking him a long time ago." He cried.

After about an hour he stopped crying and began walking over to Taehyungs house. He was the only one who would be awake right now. "Taehyung please open the door." He yelled. Taehyung got off his bed and looked out his window. "What the hell?" He whispered to himself. He went downstairs and opened the front door. He was attacked with a hug and they both fell on the floor Yoongi being on top of him.

((͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

"Thank you Taehyung thank you so much."

"Get off me please I need to breath."

"Sorry." He got off him and stood up.

"Do you want something to eat?"

"Yeah that would be nice."

"Ok, do you want Chinese or Pizza?"

"Can you make either?"

"No, I know how to order it though."

"Ok sure let's get pizza."

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