3: Plans

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A long long time ago, in a tragedy

If ever comes a day that I go away

In a forest deep, you'll sink like a stone

From that moment on, you'll go alone

Feeling a warm temperature in the hands we hold

If ever comes a day they gently unfold

A dry bell will sound echoing on its own

From that moment on, you'll go alone

For we are two of a kind; When we walk, we are one

The sound of lies being told disappear like the sun

And now we both bow our heads; only a single shadow

Didn't you know that I'm also going alone?

You fell into love of a gentle kind

With a flower on top of a high, high cliff

"It's so hard to reach." I know you know.

So this time, you'll have to go alone

A long long time ago, in a tragedy

If ever comes a day that I go away

In a forest deep, you'll sink like a stone

From that moment on, you'll go alone

And I am one of a kind; when I walk, I am alone

I've grown weary of lying to the bone

Now I bow my head in this golden room

I was here with you, and now, it's gone too soon

In a forest deep, I sank and I knew

I'm a charred and dirty, forsaken fruit

And that is the end - there's nothing more to recount

From this moment on, you'll go alone- Song: Alice


I sniff, rubbing my eyes as I stood in the doorway for the third time this week. It's different and strange to be alone, to be isolated completely. Kikyo....mom... she was my one sole human company in this new world that I knew little of in this era. I miss my brother and sister. They were always filling the silence when our parents weren't home. Their also alive. Four years older than when I died. Amanda must be in collage now. Aaron should be finishing high school. I don't have that family anymore. I had Kikyo.

And now I truly am alone. The silence became an uncomfortable presence every night I go to sleep. I hum just to fill that void. The food will get low soon and I'll be forced to leave home. I'm too afraid to go into the village since clans pass through it all the time. I'd be in danger if there was anyone that knew of your kekkai genkai.

Luckily Kikyo didn't wait long to educate me. To absorb one's strength to match them in battle. It explains why I, as a two year old, could kick that child into the wall. There were quite a few limits though. She seemed pretty okay with Akane so maybe the Senju won't target me but I have no idea about the others. Now that I think of it, Kikyo kept her shinobi skills hidden from all. Even me. I wish I figure it out sooner.

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