Chapter 20

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It was the day before my birthday and Andy was determined that she was going to do everything in her power to make sure the twins came naturally today, but we had less than twenty-four hours away from her having to be induced. I was fairly confident that she would have to be induced, but I wouldn't dare tell her that. The twins just didn't want to come on their own.

"Today is the day. I feel it," Andy said as she started pacing up and down the hallway.

"You've said that for days," I told my wife as I stood in the doorway of our bedroom and watched her.

"But today is different. I feel different. There's this little twinge right here," Andy said as she stopped and pointed to a specific spot on her stomach.

I just smiled as I watched my wife on what would be the last day of her pregnancy. She was just as beautiful at this moment as she was the first time I ever saw her. There had always been this glow that illuminated from her that I had always been attracted to, but since she's been pregnant it was brighter than it ever had been before. I fell in love with her more and more every day. I couldn't wait until our babies were brought into this world and we could be a family.

"I'm going to get dressed and walk over to get Kell before I go for a walk around the block," Andy said as she stepped into our bedroom.

"Well, I'm going to lay here and relax for a little while," I told her as I plopped down on the bed with my arms under my head.

I watched as she started rummaging through the closet for something to wear. In those moments I was transported to the night we wrecked the four-wheeler on our way back from the cabin. So much has changed in the past few years. Andy went from dating Chris and being pregnant with his child to being my wife and practically giving birth to my children. I can't help but think what life would be like right now had we not had that accident that night. Would I even be married to her? Would Chris have married her? There were thousands of what ifs that ran through my mind, but it don't matter because the what happened is much better than any what ifs.

"Cory," Andy said bringing me back to reality.

"What is it baby?" I asked her.

"You need to get up," she said calmly.

"I just laid down. I'm comfy," I told her.

"No, you need to get up now," she told me adamantly.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I sat up in the bed.

"My water just broke," she said as she turned to me and smiled.

"What? It's time?" I asked in complete shock.

"Yes," Andy said, "It's time."

"Let's get you dressed and we'll head to the hospital," I told my beautiful, glowing wife as I helped her sit on our bed before digging through the closet for her some clothes to wear.

Before I knew it we were in route to the hospital in my Explorer. Panic mode had hit me and I was terrified I would have to deliver the twins in the backseat on the side of the road somewhere.

"Cory, slow down!" Andy yelled at me.

"I just don't want you to have the babies in my vehicle," I told her as I continued driving.

"I'm not even having contractions," she stated, "Just slow down."

"Okay," I told her as I let off the gas pedal.

I watched her closely out of the corner of my eye as her body eased. It was clear that my driving was freaking her out way more than normal. Knowing that I watched my driving carefully. Within twenty minutes I was pulling into the hospital parking lot and helping her to the doors at the emergency entrance.

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