Straight Faced

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I followed Rebecca into the dining hall, where M.D. and several other scientists were at the table. This time though, M.D. was happy to see me. I couldn't tell her I didn't deliver the case to the queen... Well, the original one. Rebecca two? Sounds kind of rude. Maybe a completely unique name for a sort of unique person. After wasting away in prison for a hour, I can safely say Josephine's a good name for the other Rebecca.

I sat next to the queen, which others shifted eyes at. I'm guessing it wasn't the proper thing to do, but why change seats? She smiled, even when Mauve pulled at her shackles to get it off the table. She tapped her glass to make an announcement. "Hello, innovators of my kingdom. It has come to my attention that one of your... experiments had gotten loose." She spoke with such a proper tone that it hadn't came to my mind that she was angry. "I have appointed a rescue party to take care of the problem. Head scientist, get over here, why don't you?"

She seemed to not mind me listening. M.D. rose and came over to her. "Miss Rebecca... if you didn't get the case, did you at least get the... err... notice on the subject of the um... state of my project?" She brushed off her lab coat.

Rebecca replied, "It seems it has come into the hands of someone else. But you can just say it."

A long, dragged out sigh from M.D. as she stared at the roof. "Ah, it's just about how maybe... the project should be paused? For a few days, I promise I'll keep at it. I just have to plan for one uncontrollable variable. I can't control the clones' personalities, even though they're all perfect genetic matches."

Rebecca tried to understand and said, "I'm sure it's just something that is... What's the word I'm looking for? It's where it's not genetic."

"Environment and individual choices. But the environment doesn't have a lot of room for a personality to change, and I've been training them all to respond the way you would, and more responsible choices." Rebecca nodded and smiled as she took it all in. She didn't know what else to say, so she stayed quiet. M.D. stared at me, as if I were the one responsible for accidentally stealing a heirloom and getting arrested.

I could feel her glare especially on Mauve, who was smirking throughout the whole conversation. I would have to ask her later if she knew what the problem was. Rebecca stood up and took me and Mauve to a gated clearing outdoors, presumably to continue the discussion inside. I smiled at Mauve, who gave me a small grumble in return. I almost saw the friendship bracelets being made.

Mauve sighed, "We need to talk." I nodded in return. She fell to the grass, thinking of how to put it. She looked at me and asked, "Can I trust you?" I didn't know how to reply, so I kept quiet. She kept going, "I'll tell you how I got locked up and being used as a power source. Better yet, I'll show you, with the only magic I'm able to do now..." She put two hands over her heart. "Okay, now put exactly three fingers on each side of my head. Trust me, some of these magic spells are really specific." I promptly followed her instructions.

A representation of a heart glowed out of Mauve, as if it were a hologram. It was sparkling and tempting that I almost reached out to touch it. "See this? This is where magic comes from... I don't know how it comes about... But I do know how to make it stronger. There's a chance you can drain my remaining magic out of me. It'll... come with some risks... I've been living off this magic, it's the only thing keeping me going. I know if you save this kingdom, my sacrifice will be worth it."

"Are you sure?" I asked nervously.

"You're the one she trusts..." She smiled. "I've been waiting for this day." I took one hand out and gently touched the heart. Instantly, I felt stronger, but the pained expression of Mauve was breaking me, she obviously regretted her plan. The heart was fighting against me, and it almost reached the point of cracking in half until I took my hand away. She stopped her fake smile and asked, "What are you doing?"

I felt happy knowing she would live and said, "You don't have to give me this power. There's other ways."

She scoffed, "What are you going to do, hug her? There's tyranny, scandals, and an uninformed mass of people and you say there's another way. Tell me all about it." She laughed, like she was still the beaten down optimist I had thought she was.

"Maybe we could..." But I didn't have a plan yet. It wasn't fair really, since Mauve had a few years to think on that plan.

What am I doing talking about fair? She's in prison with no hopes of escape.

Mauve sighed and brushed her hair away. "Hey," She calmed me down. "Don't be too hard on yourself for making a plan. We have plenty of time, so let's just talk... I guess..." She ripped up single pieces of grass. "How did you get arrested? You don't seem like the type."

"I was framed for stealing," I said simply. To tell her there was a sort of evil clone loose would likely get her more stressed.

She muttered in return. "It's always framing, huh? Probably going to get on the queen's good side and get out?" I shook my head.

"I want to help you out too. You're my friend." I swear she had tears in her eyes, but she wiped it out and smiled.

Mauve simply said, "There's not much you can do for me. I mean, even if I escape, where would I go?"

"We'll find out when we get there. Not every plan takes years of careful thinking," I replied. She seemed more assured in herself, but it only reminded me that she had never stated why she was here. I tried asking her, but she was acting off. Another question about her that would never be answered.


How many times have I revised and rewritten this chapter? About 5 times. It's hard to explain why though, it just didn't add up. Or it was boring. Or maybe I had something better. I'm not entirely sure. Oh yeah, I didn't forget about Jamie, in case someone was wondering.

Why Josephine? Because of hard to follow unabridged literature from the 1800s. The things I do to meet reading goals. No offense to classic literature, I only like to read it on my own instead of doing millions of essays on one paragraph. *cough* literature circles *cough*

So anyway, goal for next chapter is to answer some mysteries, maybe some action, maybe some stuff I'll have to rework 50 times because of that one plot hole. Yay, fun, but seriously it is really fun working on this story because I put a lot of thought in this over months and now I'm sharing it. So thanks to the people who told me not to lurk and actually post something. Oh and thanks to the people who actually read this. Show some love, I guess.

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