Chapter 7- Dreaming or Reality?

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I woke up feeling hot and my body felt heavy and weighed down. I fluttered my eyes open. Chad's face was inches away from mine. His whole body was pressed against me and even though he seemed asleep his fingers were creating tantalising circles on my stomach causing tingles to shoot down my body. I knew It had been wrong to let Chad come into my bed last night but now he was next to me I was enjoying having time to look at him whilst he slept. His fingers moved slowly from my stomach downwards. My breath hitched and as much as I knew I should have told him to stop, or tried to wake him up I couldn't bring myself to do it. His skin touching mine caused electrifying feelings all over my body. And it felt amazing. I closed my eyes letting the feeling take over me. He nuzzled his face into my neck letting his soft lips caress my neck kissing me gently. His fingers traced over my knickers making me feel so turned on before they reached the inside of my thigh. He stroked my thigh back and forth with slow sensual movements. God I wanted him so bad right now. This was so wrong. I couldn't see chad like this. I couldn't think of him like this.

He spoke quietly against my neck "Daisy I want you so bad"

I widened my eyes in shock. Oh my god was he dreaming about me or was he awake right now and knowing exactly what he was doing?

I gently shook his arm "Chad, Can you hear me? Are you awake?"

He pulled me closer before letting his fingers slip Under my panties causing my body's senses to heighten I felt like I could get off with just having him touch me down there. "Daisy your so fucking hot.....I need you right now." He whispered.

His voice was husky and it sounded so sexy.

As much as he was turning me on I had to stop him. I couldn't let it go any further as much as I wanted it to. I shook him harder this time "Chad wake up!"

Chad jolted awake he looked totally confused about where he was and what he was doing. He looked up at me before realising where his hand was he pulled it back quickly before literally leaping up from the bed. "Fuck. Daisy. I'm sorry." He stuttered "I was asleep and I didn't realise what I was doing. I forgot where I was. Shit." He frantically ran his fingers through his hair with a traumatised look on his face.

I couldn't let him take all the blame I had kind of let him carry on for longer than he should of.

"Chad it's fine" I said trying to sound believable, what else could I say he'd had his hands down my knickers for christs sakes.

"No it's not fine. Shit. Daisy I'm so sorry" he had his hands over his face clearly feeling embarrassed at his sexual groping of my body.

I rung my fingers through my hands awkwardly, there were so many things I wanted to say but nothing would come out. I was lost for words and wanted a hole to open up and swallow me. Silence enveloped the room and it was painful. Finally my head kicked into gear and I said the only words that came into my mind. "What's a grope between friends huh?"

The words had fallen out of my mouth like word vomit and I couldn't take them back. My cheeks immediately flushed red and I shook my head despairingly at myself. Why the fuck did I just say that.

Chad looked up at me chuckling quietly to himself rubbing his hand across his stubbly cheek "yeah I guess your right, no harm done hey Daisy Doo. We can just forget that this happened right"

" problem....forgotten" i rambled quickly before looking down at my lap to avoid his beautiful blue eyes that were gazing at me adoringly. Why did he have to look at me like that it wasn't helping the situation at all and it made me want to reach forward and have him snuggled next to me again.

His soft voice interrupted my thoughts causing me to glance up "I better go I have school in like an hours time" he said before reaching over to get his clothes so he could get dressed.

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