Chapter 3- He Really Has Gone. Hasn't He!

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The sunlight streamed through my window awakening me from my deep slumber, my body felt hot and on fire. I stretched my arms up trying to move my aching muscles but I was weighed down glancing to the side of me I saw him.

He was laid on his side his leg hooked over my body pinning me to the bed, I ran my fingers gently through his chocolate brown hair causing him to stir slightly hugging me closer towards him, I froze as his face nuzzled into my neck his soft lips pressing against it. He stopped moving again I could feel his hot breath against my skin and I could feel his morning glory pressing into my leg.

I knew I had to wake him but he looked so peaceful and innocent asleep next to me like this. Bringing my hand up to his face I let my fingers gently caress his temple before running them down his cheek trailing them right down to his Chest.

The soft lips spread into a smile against my neck before a husky voice broke out "morning sexy"

My heart flipped it was strange how you can be with someone for so long and still feel so attracted to them. I raised my hands to his shoulders trying to move him backwards "Lucas you need to get out now before my mum comes in to wake me up"

The soft lips chuckled sending vibrations down neck making my cheeks flush and sending warm tingles through my body.

Fighting the urge to pull him closer towards me i pushed him harder this time "I'm serious Lucas you need to get out now"

"Just one more minute please" he whispered snuggling into me even more.


"Yeah Lucas I hear you. You have to go. You can't stay"


Lucas voice sounded different, I struggled to open my eyes. Confusion set in, how could I be awake and lying next Lucas but need to open my eyes. It didn't make sense.

I felt a soft hand rub against mine. "Daisy can you hear's Chad"

I flickered my eyes open the usual foggynesss seeping over my brain. I focused on Chads face. He was sat to the side of my bed with my hand firmly in his grasp whilst he stroked it back and forth with his thumb. He looked so different he had red circles under his eyes and his hair was ruffled up as if he had been running his fingers through it numerous times. His clothes were creased and he looked absolutely shattered. A stray tear fell from his eye and I reached up to wipe it away making him tense at the slight touch of my fingers on his cheek.

"You were dreaming about Lucas?"He stated to me

A dream.

I was just dreaming about him, he wasn't here.

The aching feeling crept back in "It was just a dream"

Chad nodded as if trying to confirm my statement

"He really....he really has gone hasn't he"

Chad nodded again dropping his head to my hand that he was holding resting his forehead against it.

We sat in silence for the next few minutes, it didn't feel awkward we had both been the two closest people to Lucas and I knew whatever feelings i had right now Chad was feeling exactly the same.

Chad finally spoke his voice sounded croaky he lifted his head back up but avoided my gaze "I can't believe this Daisy....he's gone........he's really gone......I didn't even get a chance to see him properly......I can't believe this has happened"

He turned his head to look at me running his hand through his hair before wiping a tear away from his puffy red eyes "are you are you feeling." His voice was full of emotion "I wanted to come in sooner but they said you weren't in a fit enough state so I just waited outside"

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