Thank You SO MUCH, Walter.

45 2 2

Ok, so I was tagged by datfluffybunny to do this:

And so I'm going to do this, because number 2 says that I cannot refuse

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

And so I'm going to do this, because number 2 says that I cannot refuse. The consequences are dire.

So, my 13 facts are:

1- I'm Asian

2-Vietnamese, to be specific

3- I'm the oldest of three children

4-I have two younger brothers; I'm the only girl asides my mom

5-The title comes from the play that my school did just this past week

5-I'm on the Advanced Theatre class in my school

7-I was in my school play (the last for this year, plus my last at my school)

8-I have a pet rabbit

9-I live in America, in Texas

10-I did a skit in my Sunday school class where I got "married"

11-I've been drawing since I was five... six... around there.

12-I used to have a pet cat

13-I used the number 5 twice

That's my list, and now to tag fifteen people
I Tag:


And anyone else who wants to do this, I just know those two pretty well enough and I'm not giving this back to datfluffybunny.


Me, Myself and I- DrawWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt