Back from the Dead

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In the Isle of the blessed, there is a stone table which is surrounded by sorcerers, all wearing dark, hooded cloaks. They were chanting words of the Old Religion, "We Gar-Dena in geardagum theodcyninga thrym gefrunon hut tha aethelingas Ellen fremedom! Sythan aerest wearth feasceaft funden. Hyran scold thara, ofer hronrade Camelot, hyran scold. Hyran scolde thara, ofer hronrade Camelot, hyran scolde Uther." (We have heard of the glory of the Spear-Danes, of the kings of the people, in the days of yore, and how those princes did deeds of glory. First he was found helpless. Obedience is owed, over the Camelot sea, obedience is owed. Obedience is owed, over the Camelot sea, obedience is owed, Uther.)"Bebiede þe arisan cwicum."(I command you to rise up to life. )

They continued to chant as flash of lighting came down from the night sky and hit the stone table, then more lighting came and crashing down on the table, as if it was a metal conductor.
A minute later, the lights went away, leaving the sorcerers and everything in silence. On the stone table where the lighting had hit was lay a ghost-like body of a man.

The sorcerers all moved in to the body, one of them place a hand on his chest, saying "Uther Pendragon." His flash eyes open.

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