01: Anemone

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Anemone: Anticipation; arrival of the first spring winds.

The sun lit up the living room, casting light rays onto distinct objects. My eyes slowly opened, my vision focusing on the dust that floated together in the quiet air. Ojisan was already in the kitchen, cooking something that smelled real good.

"American...?" I said, rubbing my eyes. 

"Yesssss~!!" Ojisan said, flipping the eggs skillfully on the pan. "You have to have a great breakfast on your first day."

"Mmmhskk..." a muffled mumble rose beside me, "Bacoooon." 

Suzume sat up, only to be greeted with a blue freshman outfit. 'Kasan was smiling down at us, proudly showing her hardcore ironing skills. 

"New uniforms!! Aren't they more fine?" she said, smoothing the material. "They'll look great on both of you, I just know it." 'Kasan's eyes gleamed down at us, and I couldn't help but smile back and take the clothing. 

"Thanks, 'Kasan."

After eating and cleaning myself up, Ojisan opened the door and patted me and Suzume on the back. 

"Have fun," he said, before clearing the space beside him to make room for 'Kasan," and don't stress it." 

"Iya iya." Suzume said, walking straight out the door. 

Shaking my head, I turned towards Ojisan and 'Kasan. Smiling slightly, I nodded and said goodbye. Even out a far distance, I could hear them shouting out encouragement towards our backs. It was happy to see how they were so similar and still got along after years of being away from each other. 

It made me wonder if anyone back home already missed me.

"It's here, right?" 

Suzume mumbled, staring at the sign that stuck tight against the brick wall. "Shuuei High School..."

I looked past the platinum gates, and nodded. "Shuuei High School."

Right when we were about to open the door, a long arm reached between us and opened it instead. Surprised, we turned around only to be shocked even more. 

"A gentleman must open a door for the ladies, right?" A pair of green orbs flashed a look at us.

"Y-you!" Suzume started, unable to finish her sentence. 

The man laughed and leaned against the door to make room for us. "Hey to you too Chun Chun. Oh and by the way, it's not you, it's Shishio Sensei." 

"Sensei?!? Just how old are you?! I thought you were dating Ojisan!"

"Hahaha! You actually dared to say it-"

I had slowly crept out of the conversation, feeling a little and strange to be standing alone and listening to them. But even then, the two somehow noticed and had gone after me. 

"Ah, no! It's this way, uh.... Yosano."

"Oh," I said, turning towards them, "Thanks." 

"So what grade are you in, Yosano? Is it the same year as Chunsuke?" We were now walking side by side, Suzume trying to carve a hole into Sensei's head. 

"No, I'm a second year." 

"Awww," he cooed, "so is Chun Chun a lil' freshie?" 

"SHUT UP," she said, her eyebrows twitching, "And stop calling me that!!" 

"Oooh, do you admit it? Too bad then, it turns out i'm one of your teachers. You have to get used to it, Chun Chun."


The two seemed to be already very close, and I once again felt uncomfortable to be around them. Suzume had stormed ahead of us, leaving Sensei to drag her back to the right classroom. 

It was then that when I turned, I nearly collided with a tall figure, almost meters high. The figure looked down upon me, a large hand suddenly whipping before my face as I felt the wind push my hair back. 

"ARE YOU OKAY?" the boy boomed a deep voice.

"Yes, yes," I said, taking a sigh. 

I noticed I had dropped my bag; but before I could reach for it, the large hand grasped it ahead of me. 

"I got it, it's alright."

I looked up to the boy, a big, heartwarming smile appearing on his wide face. He looked like a tender bear. I smiled at this.

"Thank you."

"No need. Are you new? I've never seen your face before," he now held his hand in front of me. "Gouda Takeo."

"Yeah, my name's-"

"Are you the transfer student?"

I turned my head to see a man who I assumed to be my Sensei. As I nodded, he slid the door beside him to let me pass. I laughed when Gouda kneeled a bit to get through the door.

I awkwardly stood in front of the class, the eyes of people i've never met scanning me up and down.

".....grew up in the countryside. It's her first time here, so please be welcoming. Yosano," Sensei said, motioning to me, "Introduce yourself."

Turning away from him, I faced the people in front of me. These were the faces that would be with me with each step I took, and in which I would eventually never come to forget. 

A dark, gold shade caught the corner of my eye, my eyes accidentally meeting with two beautiful light brown orbs. 

The contact was sudden, but there was something within those hues of brown that made my insides warm. In return, a gentle smile arose from my face.

"My name is Yosano Chiasa, please take care of me."

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