Chapter eleven - . . . Perfect timing

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Author's note: Hey guys Sorry it's been taking me forever to upload. Been having a lot going on rightn now. Wish I could just type forever, but sadly it can't be done. Well I promise if you give this chapter 10 votes I will upload chapter 12 right after. I'll try to upload more often like I did before. Nothing really else to say right now except I hope you enjoy chapter eleven.

VOTE!!!! :D

So even though it's been a few years I'm adding this update to all my chapters :) I started a fundraising campaign for 'I just want to be me. (Top surgery)  the link will take you to my page. Just reading it means a lot to me as well as spreading the link around. Don't feel the need to donate just trying to get it out there -



"Wow" Is all I could reply after the gentle soft, but passionate kiss. Like an idiot the next thing that came out of my mouth was, "I don't know if you know this, but I like you."

"Hmhm Yeah I kinda figured that out, but if you like me then why did you pull out of that kiss the other night?" It all came back to me. Miyabi was the reason I didn't continue the kiss. I mean yeah sure I like Miyabi, but I don't like her as much as Tanya. I was in love with Tanya some how. My eyes widened just at the thought. . . . In Love. "Uhh Stevie???"

Apperently I had been thinking more than I had intended, "I don't really know. Just had a lot on my mind and I wouldn't have been able to focus . . ." I hessitated. I didn't want her to know I didn't kiss her because of Miyabi.

She rapped her arms around me, "Come on Stevie, tell me. I really wanna know. I mean I don't get it, if you really liked me so much why didn't you take that opportunity?"

I didn't know if I should confess about Miyabi or not, "It's just . . . I don't really know how to explain it. It's Miya. She has liked me since the 8th grade and the night when we played truth or dare, stuff happened. Then when we woke up more stuffed happened." I found myself conffesing everything, not in detail though, but what had happened with Miyabi.

She looked a bit sad when she asked, "Ohh . . . do you like her?"

"Not the way I like you. Tanya I'm in love . . ." The words slipped out of my mouth faster than all the others.

"Wait wait what did you say Stevie Erickson?!?" I found myself at a loss for words. I could think of anything to say after what had just came off my lips. "Stevie???? Come on you can't just say something like that and not say anything."

I sat there wide eyed ". . . . ." I still couldn't find the words.

"Stevie I'm in love with you too. I've liked you for a few months now. since I first saw you this year I recognized you from grade school and I don't know but there was something about you and over the past few days I fell completely in love with you." I was stunned by the words. Now not only could I not speak I couldn't move either. She could see from my reaction that I was unable to function. She hugged me even tighter and kissed me on the cheek.

I couldn't help but to smile. I looked into her eyes and slid my hand under her chin, and by her neck to wrap my fingers in her hair and kiss her. Slowly she climped on top of me continuing in the kiss. She put her arms around my neck and bit my lip. She smiled after doing so on account she noticed she had take my breath away. I put my hands in the back of her shirt and ran my icy fingers down her back scratching her slightly. I had no idea that was going to make her moan like she did. Hearing her moan for some reason turned me on. Maybe it was the fact I was the one who did it.

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