Chapter 34 - Always Yours!!

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"Trion Bellisaroi as Olivia Collins"


"I could be anything in this world,
But I wanted to be HIS"


Chapter 34 - Always Yours!!

Daniel's P.O.V.

I was busy working on my paper presentation to be held tomorrow. My mobile buzzed and I saw Kristein calling me on my smartwatch. I sighed and picked up the call unwillingly. I don't like disturbance while I'm working.

"Hello", I said.

"Hey, buddy. How are you?", Kristein asked sounding way too excited.

What's with him?

"As usual. What happened?", I asked.

"Fred called me to remind me about our plan for get together. You're coming, right?", He asked.

"Kris, I want to but I'm busy", I lied once again, just like any other day.

"And what is so special today? Why can't you come?", He asked.

Today is the day I and Shanaya went on our first date, three years back. It's my first date anniversary!!

"I've a presentation to present tomorrow. I really can't join you guys. I'll make up to you some other time", I replied.

"How long are you going to avoid us? We're your friends and we need your time. Why don't you understand this?", He complained.

I sighed and said, "Ok. I'll meet you guys tomorrow. But not today". I gave in.

"Ok. I'll update Fred about it. See you. Bye", he replied with happiness in his voice and I hung up.

I'm not worth anyone's friendship or anyone's time!!

I resumed back in my work, the only thing which distracts me from thinking about her. After working for the next few hours, I closed my laptop. I walked out of my cabin holding my coat and reached on the ground floor. The office was empty. Everyone left on time back to their homes to their loved ones, unlike me.

She was my home!!

I gave an off to my driver today so I drove myself. I drove to the same place where I took Shanaya on our first date. My first and last date with her. I get down my car and walked towards the shore. I took out my shoes and holding them in my hand, I walked barefoot letting waves of water calming my feet.

From past three years, I'm coming here in a hope that maybe I bump into her someday. I'm meeting emptiness in return still my heart feels that maybe someday I'll meet her here and she will smile at me and will take me in her embrace and hug me.

Her words, her face, those eyes which lit up whenever she's happy, that beautiful smile which she had reserved for me and that broken look, those glistening eyes. Everything related to her is crystal clear in my mind.

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