Chapter 3 - Miss Beauty!!

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     Selena Gomez as Aaliya Gomez.


"You know who is gonna give you everything? 'Yourself'!!"


Chapter 3 : Miss. Beauty!!

Shanaya's P.OV.

As soon as I entered my class, I saw a bunch of students, to be precise boys huddled all around my seat which I share with Aaliya, of course. I rolled my eyes at this typical scenario, I encounter on daily basis.

I waited at a good distance for everyone to disperse and give me some space to sit. After what felt like an eternity, when Aaliya gave all of them an answer in NO, they all went back to their seats.

I sighed in relief and walked over to my seat and sit next to Aaliya and placed my bag on the desk.

"Hey", I said making myself comfortable.

"Hello, Miss late", she replied. I shook my head in response.

"Yeah, sorry. Why so much gathering today, Miss beauty?", I asked mocking her with this title.

"Oh, shut up Shan," she replied in an irritation and I chuckled.

She continued, "All of them were asking me to go with them to today's party at Blair's place as their date". I nodded. It's a daily phenomenon. Now and then every second boy makes a move towards Aaliya. She's a charmer after all.

Not everyone is like me. Unknown and a loner!!

In our fresher's, Aaliya bagged the title of ''Miss. Beauty". On one hand, where girls feel happy for being complimented with such a title, Aaliya literally hates this title. She believes that this title should be given to someone like me who is beautiful from the heart and people should not be biased by the outer appearance only. Not only Aaliya had a beautiful face to die for, she had a golden heart too.

Every boy who lay his eye on her, do give her a second look again. Well, she had the quality to make people turn their heads and boys fall on their knees. I still can't believe how such a popular girl is still stuck with someone like me. Just stating my fears out. I don't wanna lose her either. She's my ONLY friend.

Despite all the qualities my bae had, she had one flaw too. Aaliya had commitment issues. She can't do commitment with one single boy. Her all love stories are a fling. She just like many had Fake Love Stories who expires in a week or so.

I asked her once,"Why do you always change boys like clothes? Can't you be committed to one single suitable guy with whom you can grow old?"

"Ptf. Please, shan. You very well are aware of the fact that I'm way too good enough for these boys. They are just not of my type. I date them just to know whether they are worth my love or not and they all turn me down. I'm still waiting for my Mr Right", she replied this way to my question.

After that day, I dropped the topic and let her do whatever pleases her. I'm also waiting for her to find a right match for herself. Aaliya is my best friend but she's a social butterfly also.  I always try to maintain a good distance from her social group. I never accompanied her in any party or any extracurricular activity because I don't want anyone to get close to me or try to be my friend.

I'm socially awkward!!

I'm happy to have Aaliya as my only friend for the rest of my life. Because people are always there to hear you just to make fun of you at your back. Pity and sympathy are the two emotions, I hate to get from people. I have a few struggles in my life doesn't mean you've to feel sorry for me all the time, thank you very much but I'm doing fine. I'm contented to have Aaliya who understands me and treats me equal. I don't need anyone else.

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