Chapter One: Lost to the Ocean Sands

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"What was that? Jason, I'm scared," Karliah questioned me, obviously worried something within the plane would go haywire. "Don't worry," I replied, a bit sarcastically, "Everything will be just fine, no, perfect. Just try to relax. For me?" "Fine," Karliah replied, "but if I die, it's on you."

I had no idea how utterly serious those words were.

"Okay," I joked, chuckling, " It'll all be on me." To this day, I regret those words, with a freaking passion. After all, it was those words that bound me to her retrieval from the island she was so sadly stranded on. It was those words that, at one point, I thought would be the death of me.

But they weren't. Almost, but no.

"Good," Karliah said, mocking my happy-go-lucky behavior, "'Cause I have a feeling something's gonna go wrong. Really wro-"

Her constant complaining was interrupted by shrieks from our pilot.

"Oh, Shoot! God, what's going on?" This immediately grasped Karliah's attention. "What's going on?" she demanded to know. The pilot responded with an all-too frightening reply, " I have no idea! One minute, we're flying sweet as honey, the next we're practically on our deathbed!" "What do you mean, our deathbeds? What went wrong?" I queried, wondering if this was serious, or just a gag. "That's what I'd like to know!" the pilot screamed, just as scared as we were, "Something failed. I-I don't know if it's retrievable! Let's hope it is, 'cause we're over the coldest ocean in the world!"

It was at that moment, that very moment, that my life changed forever.

The side of the plane Karliah was sitting on ripped open, as if it were paper. She shrieked, and I was barely able to grab her desperate reach for me. "What the? What the hell is going on? Pilot?!?!"

But the pilot was gone, dead. I could barely make out his lifeless body plummeting towards the chilling sea. Along with the front of the plane.

"Agh! My arm," Karliah moaned as loud as she could, trying to be heard over the pulsing sound of the fast-falling plane, "I-I think it's coming di-dislocated. I can't hold on much longer!" "No! I'm not letting go of you. There's a one-in-a-million chance of you living!"

Karliah calmly stated, "Then I'll make it easy for you."

That was when I really started getting nervous. "Karliah... Don't do it! You're the love of my life! I couldn't live without you!"

She replied, "Goodbye, Jason."

Then she let go.

I could feel a frightening chill sprint up my spine. I just lost the love of my life, the irreplaceable Karliah Praencer. As she was plummeting downwards, I could hear a very faint shriek from her. It sounded something like, "Don't forget me yet!"

But, there was a slight ray of hope. As she was falling, I noticed the most minute plot of sand directly below her.

That was the last thing I saw before the plane hit the concrete water, and everything went black.

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