Chapter Three: Recovery of a Heart's Attack

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"Wha- AGH!!!" I cried. Whenever I tried to speak, the words hurt. "Calm down," said a doctor, who just suddenly appeared, "You suffered from a crazy heart attack. Just calm down, so we can perform an emergency surgery." I had just realized where I was. A hospital room, with an all-too obvious sign saying "Emergency". I was confused, but more frightened than anything.

The doctor then said, "Count back from one hundred,"

I knew what that meant. It meant the nurses were stuffing me with knock-out juice, or at least that's what my old doctor called it (he was a little hillbilly). When I was having my appendix removed, they stuck some sort of needle in me, and I was konked out in a split second. But this time, a nurse put a skinny tube down my throat and flipped a small switch.

I started counting backwards. "One hundred, ninety-nine, ninety-eig..." At that moment, I dozed off, hearing the surgical operator say, "He's under. Time to start Plan B: Get rid of Jason Fortman. By ourselves."

I woke up three days later in a disgusting alley. A strange man creeped up to me and asked in a raspy voice, "Hey. Who are you? What're you doin' in my alley?" I immediately started shaking, and sputtered, "U-um, u-umm... I do-don't know... I-I was just ha-having heart sur-surgery, and," The man suddenly became very interested, asking, "What hospital?"

I didn't know how to answer, because I didn't know in the first place. I was about to answer, 'I don't know,' but he cut me off, saying, "James. Oh, that boy irritates me, with his insane talk of revenge. Him and his little lassy are just awful. They run a, ah, 'hospital', or so they call it, to bring people in to see if they know any stupid information on some 'Jason Fourtman'."

My heart skipped a beat. I knew who he was talking about. James Earlington, and his sister, Margoe. In second grade, the same time Karliah and I met, James had a major crush on Karliah. Had it for about three years- since preschool. I was new, and Karliah took a special liking to me instead of him.

 "I-I know him. I'm Jason Fourtman." I said to the old man.

A sudden look of deppression and then anger swept over the man's face. He lept towards me and pinned me down, saying, "What the hell did you do?!? What the hell did you do to make him torture hundreds of innocent people, including me!"

I was still in shock from his assault that I didn't have time to answer. He followed up with, "I just heard that he masterminded a plane crash, killed a young couple on their honeymoon. He hijacked the plane and just took over. I overheard him saying that it was a 'once in a lifetime opportunity'."

"You're wrong," I replied sullenly, "The couple wasn't killed. Only... lost. But I'm going to find them. I'm going to find her."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2013 ⏰

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