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So I've been tagged by @ScarletMoon22 to do this. I don't really know a lot of you on here yet, so if you're reading this, just consider yourself tagged.

1) Do you have any talents?

Um, not really? Besides being annoying and awkward, I'm not that good at anything. I can play the piano and the clarinet decently, and I like to think that I'm okay at writing and drawing, though they're not really at the level that I would call them 'talents'.

2) What are things you want to see at least once in your life?

Oh man, there are so many things. Just to name a few, a double rainbow, the grand canyon, Las Vegas, Mars in person, all of the stars in the sky at once, P!ATD, FOB, TØP, ATL, etc. etc. live. And seeing the ball drop with ScarletMoon22.

3) What would you change about yourself, if you could change one thing?

There are a lot of things, but if I could only choose one, I think it'd be giving myself good vision? It's kind of stupid, but honestly my eyesight sucks, and it'd be great not to have to deal with contacts.

4) Who inspires you to be who you are today?

This sounds so stupid but my second grade teacher? She was super nice and amazing and such a good teacher, she inspired me to start writing.

5) What is your favorite book?

Oh, this is a hard one. If I had to choose, maybe...Harry Potter?

6) What is your favorite movie?

None in particular, but I love RoTG and HTTYD.

7) Do you need glasses?

...See question 3.

8) What is my guilty pleasure?

Reading fanfiction til really late at night. Crying over A) fictional characters or B) band members that'll never even know that I exist.

9) What are your pet peeves?

When people don't blow their nose???? Like, just go get a tissue? No one wants to hear you snorting your snot??? And when people tap their pencils. (this one is hypocritical bc I do it too, though)

10) Do you consider yourself to be a good person?

Not really? I mean, I'm not a convict or a murderer or anything, but I wouldn't call myself good. I'm not tripping people in the hallways or spreading rumors behind their backs, but I'm also not going out of my way to invite people to eat lunch with me, or complimenting their hair. I'm not a bad person, but I haven't done anything to earn the title of good either. I guess I'm just decent.

11) What would you do if the world ends tomorrow?

Tell everyone in my family that I love them. Tell all of my friends that I love them. Eat some sushi. Tell the person that I have a crush on that I like them.

12) What makes you happy?

A lot of things. When it's sunny but cool at the same time. When I get a good grade on a test I thought I failed. When my dog comes up and sits in my lap. When my friends smile. Updates on my favorite fics. Music. When a drawing turns out well. Cacti. Writing. Cooking. Kageyama Tobio.

13) What are your dreams?

I have a lot of them, some more plausible than others. I'd like to be an author some day, but I'm far from being good enough. I'd like to be a professional musician too, maybe a pianist or part of an orchestra or even a band. Unfortunately I'm not good enough at piano or clarinet to be the first two, and I can't play the guitar or drums of sing, so... 

Well, that's a wrap. I hope you learned some things abt me? Anyway, feel free to do this if you like :)

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