Chapter 2

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School went as well as can be expected, being the new kid and all. Everyone was oddly nice yet distant, and nobody really wanted to be friendly with me. When lunch rolled around though, my day took a rather nasty turn.
I had happily sat down at a concrete table outside by myself. Nobody had really wanted to sit with me so I sat underneath this beautiful tree that had blooming pink petals, and took my lunch out of its box, when a couple of sleazy guys walked up behind me. I hadn't heard them come up, as I had my earbuds in. I had just taken a huge bite out of my sandwich, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I'm naturally a jittery person, so I quickly ripped out my 'bud and swatted their hand away. I turned around coldly, and viewed the person who had just touched me.
"Woah, hey there lady, watch it. Cool your jets," he said, throwing his hands up in the air. The boy looked around 6 foot in height, and had blond-orange hair. He looked to be fairly strong, and he had saggy pants that showed his underwear. I scoffed. Another wannabe rapper. I thought.
"What do you want?" I spat, not in the mood to face someone like him.
"Easy there, baby. We're just looking for a little fun," the other guy said. I flicked my eyes over to him, scowling. He was a bit shorter than his partner, and he was dressed similar, except he had short, curly black hair.
"I'm not interested." I turned back around, shoving all my food back into the box, and getting up to walk away.
"Hey, c'mon baby, don't be like that." the orange/blond one said, grabbing my arm. I quickly ripped it out of his grasp, looking him in the eyes darkly.
"My name's not baby. If you touch me again, I will kill you." I swore darkly, meaning every word. I hate dealing with men like this. The blond's eyes smoldered, and he took a step back.
"Fine, bitch. You'll pay for this," he said, cracking his knuckles. I stood still, too fearful to move. I'm good at bluffing, not fighting. I made eye contact with both of them, and crossed my arms.
"C'mon man. She's not worth it. We'll get her later." The black haired one said, turning and walking away. The blond followed, only after flipping me off.
Good god. I thought. I'm glad that they didn't give me anymore trouble than they did.
A voice behind me gasped, breaking me from my thoughts. I turned, hoping it wasn't another guy I would have to deal with.

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