When good takes a turn for the worst...

22 4 1

Andie's  POV

I'm sitting in a booth with One Direction. Oh my god. Why is it so awkward?

"Abri? Kitchen. Now." I am sort of pissed right now.

'What?" She whined as I dragged her to the kitchen.

"Um... What am I supposed to do?" Alice shouted to us as we were heading to the kitchen. She sounded a little worried.

"Just sit there, okay?" I told her, then walked off before she could argue. I go to the kitchen door and push it open.

"What the hell?!?! You need to tell me what the fuck is going on!"

"Harry and I met the morning, and I brought him inside. I gave him a disguise and almost fell down the fire escape, but Harry caught me. It was really awkward. He got my number, and winked at me as he turned the corner. then I heard him saying I was his special someone on Alice's radio station." She sighed. She said all of that in one breath. That was a lot.

"Soooo... you met Harry Styles and you didn't say anything? How could you?" I said sarcasm coating my every word. I swiftly spin around and walk out of the kitchen, trying to hold in my excitement.

We hear laughter and when we round the corner where the table came into view, we see Alice cherry red. I swear she couldn't breath.

"What's so funny?" I ask, very confused.

"Knock knock." Louis started.

"Who's there?"


"Daisy who?"

"Daisy me rolling, they hattin." They all cheered in unison.

"Well, okay, you're all very weird." I let out a giggle I couldn't suppress.

"Um do you know where The Marriott is?" Niall asked.

"Oh yeah! It's actually a couple blocks down. We could walk with you guys to show you where, if you like?" Alice offered, which was weird because, honestly, she's the shy one.

"Perfect! Lets go." Why is Harry rushing to get out of here? I thought as he said those words in a rushed tone. Liam and Zayn stayed seated.

"Are you guys not coming?" I asked.

"Nah, our little birds are on their way."  Liam replied. I was utterly confused.

"Your... What?" Abri asked. Aha! So I'm not the only one.

"He means their girlfriends." Harry confirmed.

"Ooohhhh!" The girls and I said in unison.

"Well see you later lads." Niall, Harry, and Louis said, waving goodbye. As we kind of just waved.

Harry, Abri, Niall, Alice, Louis and I walked down the street in a comfortable silence. Louis was walking next to me. I oogled at his smile, because he was clearly thinking about something that made him happy.

"What are you thinking about Lou?" What? I'm a curious girl.

"Oh I was just thinking about what would happen if I asked this one person a question, but I'm not sure how they'll take it." He gave the cutest little pout ever.

"Well maybe I could help you out with that. Um... What were you going to ask this person?" I put air quotations around the last two words.

'I was going to ask this girl if she would go on a date with me but I'm afraid it might be to soon." My heart ached a little knowing he was trying to ask another girl out.

"Okay, well give me a description of what she looks like." I commanded.

"Where do I begin? She has a rockin  personality. She's not too soft but not to mean. Long beautiful raven black hair. She has her own style, and gorgeous golden green eyes. She just looks so... perfect." The last word was said in a whisper.

"Okay, well what did you have in mind? You can practice on me." I mentioned. Well excuse me I can fantasize.

"Well..." He stopped on the sidewalk . "I would reach for her hand..." He grabs my hand and a shot of electricity spread through out my body.

"...Look into her eyes..." God he has the most gorgeous eyes. I could stare at then all day. I thought.

"And say: will you go on a date with me Andie and top it off with a kiss on the hand." He brings my hand up to his mouth to lay a soft, warm kiss to the tingling skin. Oh. My. God. Louis Tomlinson just asked me out. Oh my fu-

"Andie your worrying me." He said.

"Yes Louis. I will!" I said trying to keep my excitement to a minimum. I gave him a hug along with a warm smile.  I run off and grabbed Abri and Alice, and dragged them ahead of the boys.

"Oh my god Fries (our code name for each other) Lou just asked me out!"

"Oh my god! I'm so happy for you!" Abri said.

"I don't know if there's anything that anything that could ruin this moment!"

Before I knew what was happening, I was being pulled down an ally. I'm wriggling, trying to get free. But I stop when I feel a cold sharp blade press somewhat lightly against my neck.

"HELP! Harry!" I hear Abri scream. She soon stopped when a gun was held against her head and the guy holding her telling her to 'shut your mouth bitch.' Alice had a long knife sharply pressed to her rib cage. I could see a small stain of blood on her shirt where the knife is.

The boys came bolting around the corner but stopped when they saw us.

"Let them go!" Harry boldly yelled at them. Abri had tears streaming down her face and Alice had her eyes closed. Louis looked hurt, angry, and scared. His fists were clenched and his knuckles were white. Harry was angry, and Niall looked uneasy.

 "Put the weapons down, guys." Niall tried to say strongly but his voice betrayed him and cracked on 'weapons'.

"Give us all your stuff and we'll let the pretty ladies go." The one that help me taunted. The boys shared a look and gave a slight nod. They started taking random stuff out of their pockets. Then out of no where Louis ran up and punched the guy that was holding me. Louis then pull me out of the ally. I then heard a gun shot and two thumps.

"NIALL!" Alice's blood curdling cry pierces the air.


Hey guys second update! Yay and still big thanks to Bri! BIG cliff hanger!! this story is also posted on Bri's Wattpad account. Its: MrsTomlinson122498

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P.S. I'm trying to get more reads/votes than Bri so if you could help me out that's great!

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