Every Single Time

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Andie POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Ok Marlene, I'll see you tomorrow. Let's hope I don't get hit by a car on the way out." I joked because of the last scene I did. Yeah I got hit by a car.

"Haha don't take it personal but you gotta keep in mind the bitch wanted you to die. But I'm gonna need you for about 5 more seasons so I'll see you tomorrow."

"That's right Marlene. See you tomorrow." I walk out of the stage doors. That led to the lot. I hop into my Camero and just toss my studded bag into the passenger seat. I pull out of the parking lot and head for the apartment. I turn the radio on and just start jamming to ROAR by Katy Perry. I decided to stop by the coffee shop. (What I couldn't wait till I got to the hut) I had a very long day and needed my coffee.

"Hello, how may I help you?" A sweet petite voice asks as I entered the store.

"Yeah a Mochalatta chill por favor, Easy on the ice please."

"Sure thing, be back in a jiff." And she into the kitchen this shouldn't take that long, but what the hell I leaned onto the edge of the counter top and get ready to take a slefie for instagram. (#selfienation) When I open up my camera it wasn't facing me but instead it was looking t the magazine rack that held a magazine with a picture of Harry ..... and a Blonde?!?!?!? I quickly grab the magazine and begin to flip through it frantically.

"Here you go miss," and she sets my coffee down on the marble counter. "will that be all?" she asks while she pushes buttons on the register.

"Um.... This to please." And I push to her the magazine across the counter. She raised an eyebrow, but quickly tagged the objet noticing I was now in a rush.

"Have a nice day." she slightly yelled because I was already across the store trying to reach my car.

"Thank you!" I stated back before letting the door swing shut."I hope it turns out better than I'm expecting." I muttered under my breath.


I drove as fast as I could to the hut. I had to tell her but it would break the poor darling's heart. She couldn't deal with all this pain, but if I didn't tell her then her pain would be worse in the end because she fell too far. She's already gone through a lot with enough guys. No, she's not a slut, just a sweet girl that always seems to be falling for the wrong one. I literally dive out of my car and almost forget to lock the door.

"Aubri!!!" I yell as I barge into the hut. I see her there laying her hand on his bicep.

"Hands off, Aubri." I tell her but of course does she listen. NOPE.

"What the hell Andie? Hell no!" and she grips his arm. Dammit she did it again. I shake my head.

"Babe you're doing it again." I tell her looking at my shoes which became more interesting by a long shot. They're fuzzy.

"What are you even talking about?" she asks while letting go of his arm and walking round the counter to me and I held out the magazine for her. She looks at the evidence and her eyes. All I could see in them was regret, hatred, curiosity, stupidity, sadness, but then they were all over run by anger as her eyes seemed to go black with rage.

"Get out Harry." She says simply but I could tell she was doing everything she could to hold it all back. Awe shit.

Aubri's POV~~~~~~~~

"Get out Harry." Was all I could say without exploding.

"What's wrong babe?" he begins to place his hands on my hips and place his chin on my right shoulder. Hell No.

"I said get the fuck out Harry. Just get away from me!" I scream as I pulled my body away from his warmth but now, being there, I just felt cold and unwanted. I was so glad that the store was closed today. I was beyond pissed.

"What happened? What did I do?" Harry asks clearly not understanding.

"You know god damn well what you did. Just get the fuck out!!!!" I shrieked and he stomped out. I grab the magazine and chuck it at the back of his head before the door shut. Andie began to close the blinds as she does I run upstairs to me room. How could he? I can't even think straight. Right now I am literally just wondering around my room, door locked, basically pulling my hair out, screaming, creating Niagra Falls. I thought he wouldn't be like other guys. It's all coming at me again the pain. I grab the coffee mug that was set on my dresser and throw it at my mirror. Both if the objecrs shatter. I look at myself in the mirror and I felt exactly how I saw myself: shattered, broken, unfixable, a lost cause. No one wants me, I'm just a pile of crap no onw wants. I'm nothing. Would anyone even notice I was gone? I walk to my bathroom. I'm not going to die with all this pain inside. I grab my razor blade and do what I've always done. I let the blood drip down from my wrist, as tears were still streaming down my face.

Blood just fell to the floor, but I didn't care, I wasn't going to need it. I lost count of how many cuts made it down my arm. I dropped the razor and lunged for the medicine cabinet. I looked through it and found what I was looking for. I popped 5 or 7 pills I my miuth and swallow. The world began to fade I and out of my vision. I didn't even have the ability to stand. I fall to the floor where the splotches of blood scattered themselves.

"Aubri open the door! Fucking open the damn door! Aubri!?!?!" I heard from the other side of the door, but it's like I didn't hear, couldnt hear. ! y eyelids begin to close as the door slams itself open. Then comes in two figures. One had a phone up to there head talking but it was mummdle to me.

"Aubri keep your eyes open, keep them open we're not losing you because stupid idiotic piece of trash. Stay awake," the other commands firmly but pleadingly. I begin finding myself to try desperately but my eyelids weighed tons. The dark enveloped and I was gone.

I think.

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