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Mirrors. I was in a room surrounded by mirrors.

I turned in a full circle, looking at them all, trying to find an escape but there was none.

I finally give up and turned to look into a particularly big mirror in front of me but instead of seeing my own reflection like I expected I saw a woman.

She was stunning. Dressed in a black button up shirt that was tucked into a short leather skirt that accentuated her long tan legs and she was wearing a pair of killer black heels, I wonder where I could get a pair of those?

Her long silver hair was blowing out behind her as if she was caught in some kind of breeze ever though there was none. Well obviously not she's in a bloody mirror.

But that wasn't what I was really paying attention to.

Her eyes. They were a deep red, it almost looked as if they were glowing. I couldn't look away no matter how much I wanted to, her gaze, which was ultimately set on me, was incredibly unnerving.

I tried to take a step back, wanting to put as much distance between me and this reflection, woman, whatever as possible, only to feel my back hit a wall which I can only assume was probably another mirror.

The woman smiled as me, giving me a short once over before she -to my relief- looked away.

The reflection quickly changed and I was looking at myself only it didn't quite look like me.

The woman in the mirror had my tousled blonde hair and slightly tanned skin, she had the same face as me but that was where all the major similarities ended.

She had my eyes but hers were a startling electric blue in comparison to my dull brown ones.

She was wearing a long sleeved black dress with a deep v at the front, so deep you could see her belly button. Something I wouldn't dare wear.

As I continued staring at her, it seemed like she was slowly moving closer to the surface of the mirror until the image went blurry, like the way water ripples if you touch it, and I saw a tan hand reach out from the mirror, towards me.

I unconsciously took a step forward, reaching to take the hand when suddenly I fell and I was enveloped in what seemed like a never ending abyss.


This is my first time trying to write a book like this, honestly I'm not completely sure where it's going to go but it'll be fun to write do

Picture above is the woman she saw in the mirror

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