Chapter 5

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Louis stretched his arm over to the opposite side of the bed that he stood by in order to pull the sheet beneath the mattress.

Liam had long left the room, claiming it was completely at Louis's will for him to make himself comfortable for however long he planned to stay. After Louis implied that his stay would probably be a bit long, the younger male began clearing the room of what little possessions he appeared to own.

He'd even stripped the bed of its sheets and gotten Louis clean ones—he'd said it was clean but honestly, it looked as dingy as the first one— before questioning if Louis needed help with putting them on.

Honestly, it was like Liam was already doing so much for him in the first place, Louis didn't want to ask more of him. Zayn didn't help when he came in and teased Louis of still having his head in the palace claiming he still expected everyone to pamper him even though he was practically pirate.

From there Louis pretty much dismissed them from bothering him.

Not putting much thought on the subject of fixing the bed for himself, he'd saved it for later and instead went off on his own to occupy himself by speaking with Eleanor. Their conversations ran shallow and at numerous points he attempted to persuade her into sneaking into Harry's cabin to get Dusty for him but she'd been little to no help at all.

Niall, when he came down to the lower decks had come pretty close to performing the mission but he'd been stopped after Louis told him there was a possibility that Dusty wasn't in Harry's study, but she could also be in his bedroom.

Louis brushed it all off and eventually when everyone onboard went to dinner Louis knew he'd be going hungry but he didn't care much. Avoiding Harry would be worth it in the end when he got what he wanted.

But now, he was beginning to regret his decision of letting Liam walk away without fixing his bed for him.

He'd never really made up a bed before and though the task always sounded easy, he couldn't believe that now he was having so much difficulty with it.

It was a bed, how hard could it be to fit the sheets on?

Apparently, it was very difficult.

He was situated on the bed on his hands and knees and as he attempted to pull one part of the sheet to one corner of the mattress, the previous side he'd done would be lifted up and his hard work from before was ruined.

Heaving a sigh after the thirteenth time his attempts had gone in vain, he decided it was probably time for him to take a break before he got angry.

A knock sounded at the door as he swept a hand through his fringe and quickly stood up.

Already having a feeling it'd be Liam or Zayn, Louis moved to the bed to make it seem as though he were still making up the bed before he answered with a tossed back, "Come in."

The door audibly opened with a creak and the prince made an attempt to create the illusion that he knew what he was doing as he awaited the pirate behind him to speak up.

When a considerable amount of seconds went by and no noise came from the newcomer in the room, Louis found himself growing curious, "What'd you want...?" His words trailed off as he turned his head over his shoulder.

His eyebrows immediately furrowed and his lips creased into a scowl the instant his eyes fell into place with Harry's.

What was he doing in here, Louis had no idea but he wasn't staying to find out.

The pirate captain stood straight, his face as impassive as usual while his eyes continuously stared into Louis's own blue irises. Frankly, he didn't look any different than he had earlier, and Louis couldn't help but find irritation in that.

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