Chapter 10

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Hands firmly planted down and toes pressed downward, his body continued to drop to the wooden ground, his lips only millimeters apart from grazing the floorboard before shooting back upward where he lingered no longer than a second before he repeated his actions once again.

Over and over he continued, his breathing growing heavier with each grunt that managed to escape his lips as he attempted to go faster.

Harry heaved a breath as he felt his muscles tense before giving off a pain that seemed to cry out for him to pause or at least take his pace slower, but he tried ignoring it and instead tried to go even faster.

He was pushing himself a little too hard...

Even he realized this in a more rational sense of mind, but the more vocal and active part of his brain, the irrational side implored him to continue despite the pain and the limitations his body had.

The physical pain was offering him escape from the mental one.

He bit his bottom lip the instant Louis threatened to come back to mind and he found his pace faltering and slowing.

His chest felt tight and he let out a dry cough as he allowed his body to slump down flat on the floor.

He was a coward.

The thought made his fists clench at his sides as he willed his body to get up and do something more, anything to keep going...

Briefly, he found himself considering if he should change his exercise to something more leg oriented, however he went against it, and he found his body weakly staggering upward to a position for a one handed pushup.

He spread his legs farther apart and slipped his left hand behind his back before he began.

Each pushup was weaker and slower than the last, something that only made his mind begin to lazily wander once more.

He couldn't help but wonder what number of pushups he would have been on before if he hadn't given up on counting about midway through.

It felt like he had been out doing pushups for a long time. Like he'd been out on deck practicing even longer...

Though he knew in reality, it had only been a few hours.

In between his spars with Zayn and Liam for practice, his night check up of the ships' maintenance, and his added workout it was easily to say that since his confrontation with Louis, it had only been about four hours at the most.

It felt like days.

He ceased his pushups now, his body dropping to the floor now out of pure exhaustion.

He couldn't get any more pathetic.

His body honestly felt like it weighed five times more than it did when he started and he could only spitefully blame that partially on the feeling that brought down his stomach.

When was the last time he had ever felt like this?

Anxiety... Apprehension... Fear.

They were all in him for reasons he didn't dare look further into lest he allow the feelings to intensify.

He supposed that's what made him a coward. He couldn't even properly look into his problems because they scared him just that much.

His body remained still, and even under the cold, salted breeze that the ocean carried over the ship, his bare upper body was still radiating a large amount of heat.

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