Act 2: Scene 2

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Opening night was making Steve a nervous wreck. He paced backstage in his heels and prayed that the show would go well. He suddenly stopped when someone laid a hand on his shoulder.

He turned around and saw Tony, all dressed up in character, and their other friends behind him. Bucky was grinning, his arm around an also-smiling Natasha. Sam was grinning just as wide with his arms slung around the shoulders of Pietro and Wanda.


Tony kissed Steve and then held his hands, "You need to calm down. It's going to be perfect, alright? You've done so well, Stevie."

"I'm just nervous, normally I'm helping paint sets."

Natasha walked forward and shoved Steve's shoulder, "Well, you play both sides of the board pretty well, Steve. I look forward to watching from the wings again."

Steve gave her a thankful smile, "I'm glad you guys have faith in me."

"You'll be fine, man," Sam assured him. "And with Storm playing Maybelle, you sure got a good counterpart."

Steve laughed, "Don't I know it."

The stage manager called places and the cast and crew got ready to start  the show. It went well, all things considered. But when it was time for the final song, Steve started to get extremely nervous. He saw Tony wink at him from across the stage, and it helped him relax. He strutted out to center stage and started singing:

"You can't stop my happiness, 'cause I like the way I am...."

They lined up for the final bows and Steve couldn't help the grin that spread across his lips. He'd made it, and he would only have to do one more performance. So as long as he managed not to mess it up the next night, he would be alright. He followed the rest of his castmates out to the hallway where they were greeted by classmates and - a sparse few - family members. Many of their friends came up to congratulate Steve and Tony, and then they all went out for dinner afterwards.

Back at their apartment, later, Tony and Steve tucked themselves into their bed and snuggled up to each other.

"You did so well tonight, Tony. You rocked it."

"You weren't so bad, yourself, big mama."

Steve groaned, "Please don't call me that."

Tony laughed, "Alright. Just so you know, it works. Nat and I thought it would be a cute nickname."



They just laid there for a bit, trying to sleep.



"After strike tomorrow, do you want to stay at school for the cast party or go celebrate by ourselves?"

"We could leave the cast party early."

"That works."

"G'night, Steve."

"Goodnight, Tony."

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