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"Kandi-Doll, Lil, Crys!" Noble called each of us by our nicknames to come down. I went downstairs. Our house is actually a giant floating tree. Aunt Greeny said it was called a 'Sakura Tower' tree or something, as it was a massive, hollow, sakura tree. I got down to see Noble dressed in her Demonwing outfit. It was a black dress that went to her thighs with tall red boots. Their was a red ribbon in her hair, and the Demonwing emblem, a burning demon wing. She had her bow and arrow in hand. "Hey, is it okay with you guys if I go on an assignment? It's in O'kasis." Noble had often gone on assignments in different places to keep order. "Sure sis, just don't get hurt." Was Crystal's reply. I watched as she left then sat down to play chess with Lilly.
I had already sacrificed eight pieces, including my Queen, it looked as though Lilly would would win. "Checkmate!" I said, knocking over her King. Never underestimate the little Kandi!

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