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Me and Alison walked up to the counter ,ordered our drinks and sat back down to wait . Our waiter , who was apparently a friend of Alison said that our drinks would be done soon .

"So Lily what's some of your hobbies?"

"Uh well I like to paint ?"

She laughed ,
"No shit sherlock "

I had to think for a moment ,I don't do much but paint and sulk all day. But I do write now and then .
"I like to write now and then but that's about it ."

"Umm so what's do you do , besides working at the library?"

She paused , then smiled widely.
"I play guitar, it's just a now and then thing though. ".
She smiled agian and looked at me and then next to me . It took me a moment to realize she was looking at
Daniella , our waiter .
Daniella hand long straight blond hair that was pulled into a ponytail and green eyes that glowed with excitement , for a reason I did not know why .

A shorter person walked up to the counter behind her and almost slammed their hands on the table .
This person had shoulder length dirty blonde hair and bright hazel eyes , their face was angered.

"Learn how to make a fucking hash brown! "

Daniella turned around the drinks still on the tray she was holding, and put a hand on her hip .
" well then teach me ohhh wise dilyn"
She hummed .
Dilyn , still enraged threw their hands up , made a weird unhuman like noise and waltzed back into the kitchen.

Daniella then turned back around and gave us our drinks and smiled at Alison.
"Sup fucker "
She said smugly. "Hey bitch " replied Alison.
"How's the cafe treating you ? Still can't cook I see ?"
Daniella smiled at Alison.
At this moment I felt small. Almost unwanted, I almost thought that she invited me to show off her Café friend. I must be over thinking things . But I didn't really listen to the rest of their short conversation.

After that awkward moment passed Alison turned back to me and smiled .
We then proceeded to to talk about random things such as bands and shitty Internet memes .

Alison checked her phone and told me she should get going . She paid for the both of us even after my protests . We walked back outside the cafe , she looked up at me .

"Well this was fun " she smiled

"Yeah "

She paused. "Would you like to hang out again sometime? "

This was a question I wasn't expecting, I thought I was being to awkward for her to want to meet up agian . I guess god was actually with me . For once .

"Yeah I would love to ."

AN:hi update yaaay
Sorry it's short .

Sorry for any typos by the way I will go and check threw this later .


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