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The weird thing about recovery was that even after you think your fine, you still had bad days.

But that is perfectly okay, Alison was very good at reminding me that.

And I'm thankful.

It'd been two whole years since we got together, and finally I'd moved into Alison's house.

I remember when she asked;

"I barely go up those stairs twice a week let  alone on every day and besides,"

Alison smiled fondly blond hair framing her face.

"Your apartment is to small and holds so much bad shit for you- so yeah , how do ya' feel bout' moving into mine? With all your art stuff I'll actually have a use for that extra bedroom?"

A soft knock on the door frame came from the open bedroom doorway.

Asked a dishevelled Alison adorned in sweats and a very loose fitting t-shirt.

Lily would fight anyone who ever disagreed that Alison was the best human being to exist.

"God-yes please" I said, sitting up from the bed.
Alison sat next to me and handed me the mug before settling into the pillows next to me.
My brow furrowed, "It's sunday yeah?"
Alison made a dramatic show of grabbing her phone off the bedside table, before checking the date.

"Saturday. Wh- wait your commission was due to be sent tomorrow yeah? "

I let out a relived breath.
Before smiling.
"You are getting better at remembering my commission dates, still confused on why you wanted to master it though."

Alison mocked offense, "what kinda girlfriend doesn't know when their girlfriend works! How else would I of known when it's cool to steal ya away for hours on end without consequence?"

I only closed my eyes and hummed into my coffee.
Alison wrapped her arms around my waist and nuzzled into my neck, I could feel the smile playing on her lips on my neck.
"And most of all I gotta know when to play love songs to you on my gutair while you work."
I quickly hoped out of her reach and out of bed, sticking my tounge out at her.

"Destin has rubbed off on you two much."

She made grabby hands at me.
"But you loveeee it!"

I scoffed and quickly kissed her forehead then made a show of looking at her over my shoulder before completely leaving the room.

"Well if you wanna play me anything you should probably get up properly and tune that thing, you've left it laying around for the past week."

She opened her mouth to retaliate , but before she did I hurried out to the kitchen.

Setting the mug in the sink, I took a moment to get some water and make my way to the used-to-be-guest-but-is now-the-art-room room and set up my paints and pulled out my current project.


Only about an hour later Alison came in gutair in hand, and without a word she sat herself on the bay window.

I looked at her and smiled before getting back to work.

She started to play a soft tune.

Falling into a familiar rhythm, was nice.

I still can't believe I'm here.

Alison had helped me so much, made me feel capable again, made me feel like I could do anything.

I still had bad days, but I'm okay.

That's all that mattered.


An: hey guys! Just wanted to put this here, thank you again for reading this story, as of right now Its been a loonng time since I wrote this, I'm happy to see I've improved.
Anyway i hope you enjoyed!!!

~love Alex

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