Harry Potter

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Dude. I know you are reading this. What the fuck am i doing with my life. Hmm intertaining horney people with to much time on their hands. Wtf. Im sorry but I just got this idea and dont want to lose it and I really want it to be with Harry cause hey why not.

Harry looked around the table for a certan girl. He turns to Ron who was stuffing his face with food.

"Ron do you know where Y/n is?" He asks the red head who in responce shakes hishead and shruggs.

"We welcome you back to Hogwarts! Most of you are retaking your previous year due to the war last year. A student here was apart of a Broadway musical over the summer and we decided to have her and her 'cell mates' preform one of there acts. I have personally not heard of it but it seems very entertaining. So please give a round of applause to Miss Y/n L/n and her cell mates!" Headmaster McGonagall states from the middle before moving the podium out of the center. In fact now that Harry noticed the teachers tables were set off to the side and on there usual place stood a curtain.

"She and her 'cell mates' will be performing the cell block tango. She has informed me to remove the 4th years and below so if you will follow me out of the great hall." She said as all the muggleborn students gasped knowing about the smutty musical. This particular performance happens to be particularly smutty.

Harry's eyes widened after hearing the words of a fellow Gryffindor.

"Oh this will be one good show. My mum took me to see it over the summer and bloody hell does that Y/n look good in that outfit. I dont even think I can call it an outfit. There wasnt enough clothing to call it and outfit. And my mum wonders why I kept watching videos of the preformance in my room non stop." The boy whispers to his friends.

Music is heard as the curtain rises showing a blond woman laying in a bed to the corner. She sits up and makes her way to the table sitting the center. She sits down with her back to us.




"Uh uh."



You cant see anything in front of her , its all covered by shadows. A spot light shines down on a man.

"And now the six merry muderess's of the cook county jail in their rendition of The Cell Block Tango." He speaks as they repeat themselves in the back round. He disappears.

Finally a light shines down on them as they sing.

"POP!" The light reveals a woman with wavy blond hair and a tight little outfit on reveling herself as she grabs onto the bar in front of her.

"SIX!" The light reveals none other than one of Harry's best friends Y/n L/n as in a very small out fit with her h/c hair down but in waves as she holds onto the bars, pressing her breasts into them. He sucked in a breath finding his pants tighter.


"UH UH!"


"LIPSCHITZ!" Harry could hear those words in the background but didnt look at the woman saying them. He had his eyes glued onto the youngest girl there who probably was very confident seeing as she wasnt wearing much. But what he didnt know is that the girl happened to be extremely scared about his opinion on her performance but the thing is she hides it. The perks of being an actor.

"He had it coming!" They all sing jumping into another pose. Y/n had her legs spread open with her hand grip the bars above as she sang.

"He had it coming! He only had himself to blame!" They sing before looking away and continuing.

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