Harry And Draco

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"Come on Draco. Just because you lost doesn't mean you can't party." You say attempting to pull your best Slytherin friend into the Gryffindor common room. He huffed and let you pull him in.

"You know they won't like me there." He sighs trying to reason with you. You shake your head as you pull him into the circle of the only people left awake. It was 12:00 and most had gone to bed. The only people who were still awake were part of the quidditch team, Luna, about 15 Gryffindors, and Fred and George who snuck in to Hogwarts through a secret tunnle which they refused to tell were it was. Anyway, you plopped yourself down next to Harry pulling Draco down next to you.

"You made it just in time, we were just about to play spin the bottle!" Ginny smiles. People spin and people kiss until it gets to Rons turn. He spins and everyone watches as it lands on Hermione who blushes. Ron smirks and fist pumps.

"Swe-!" He was cut off as Hermione pounced on him making his eyes widen before he closes them. A few second later they pull away smiling.

"Harry's turn." Ron says in a daze. Harry grabs the bottle and gives it a spin. Everybody's eyes are glued to the bottle as it spins around and around and around. Girls cross there fingers just hoping to get a small kiss from the boy while the boys watched to see who landed on. Everyone looked up to the person who the bottle pointed to. You stare back with a blush covering your cheeks. Harry smirks and grabs your cheeks before pulling you in making your eyes go wide before they close. Harry pulls away and smiles, his emerald green eyes shining with happiness.

"Your turn Malfoy." Harry says smiling at you. You here everyone gasp and look at the bottle. It pointed at you. Draco's eyes lit up before he enthusiastically grabbed you by the back of the neck and pulled your lips onto his, making you gasp. He slips his toung in making your eyes grow wider before finally fluttering close. He pulls away, a smirk playing on his lips that had a string of saliva from his to the small (brunette, blond, ginger,ex)'s lips. Harry was fuming. It looked as if he ate one of the jelly beans to make steam come out of his ears. You blush and smile as people continue with the game. People quickly got bored and so they moved on to another game. Never have I ever... with a twist.

"Never have I ever fucked in a classroom." Dean Thomas says. Lavender downs one making people role their eyes knowingly. She looked around before shrugging.

"What?" She asked to which they groaned. You smirk and pay attention to innocent little Neville.

"Never have I ever had a three some." He says. Fred, George,and you down a shot smirking at eachother. Luna smiles dreamily.

"Never have I ever.... gave a lap dance." She ponders before smiling brightly. Hermione blushes and downs a shot. Rons eyes widen.

"To who? With who! Why!" Ron stresses. Hermione smiles shyly before mumbling a name. Ron freezes.

"What did she says mate?" Seamus asks. Ron gulps.

"She said Rodger Davis." He whimpers stiffly making us all burst into laughter.

"Okay okay. Never have I ever got off in class." Seamus says wiping away a tear. Fred, George, Hermione, Harry, Draco, and you gulp down another shot. Alcohol is easily stomached by you. You smirk.

"Might want to switch to something else before Granger over here gets a little to tipsy." Draco smirks making us laugh.

"Truth or dare?" Ginny questions. We all say yeah and continue. Before we start you quickly stop them.

"Wait wait wait. How bout Truth, Dare, .......... or strip. You pick either truth or dare but if you don't want to answer or do it you can strip." You say making everyone nod in agree ment.

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