Bullied Woofless

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"You will never be like us.... No one will miss you.....Awe look guys he's crying." All the kids laugh at the poor bullied boy. He had a black eye,they managed to break some ribs but none the less Rob is use to it. It's a common sight to see Rob in a cast, or in crunches. Adults think he plays rough with his friends but that's not the case. His "friends " just love to play with Rob. They like to play sticks and stones, "tag" , and their most favorite game is hit man. Robert is a pro when it comes to Hit man. He gets the most points. Rob sniffed a bit and he tried to get up. The leader of the group kick Rob in the stomach, making him to cough up blood. "Please stop," Rob stuttered out. He wants this hell to end. He wish that he had a friend to help him,most of all, defend him. Jerome looked down and smirk. "I don't know Robbie. We were just about to have fun. Let's have pretty boy here to start ... Preston would you do the honor," Jerome ordered. Preston was hesitated but he followed Jerome's ordered. He kinda felt bad for the woofless; Preston would always see Rob limping to class and grunting in pain when someone bumps into him. Preston lifted up his leg, preparingto kick , but a hand landed on his shoulder. A certain Vikkstar step up and cover Rob in a defensive stance. His boyfriend, Lachlan, crack his knuckles and landed a punch on Preston's face. "What's a bloody good reason to beat up a kid huh! He doesn't deserve this kind of pain okay. He's here to learn and work hard for his mother. You know his mother has a rare illness that she can't walk on her own and can't eat on her own. Robert has spent his whole life helping out. There's a reason why Robert doesn't go out in weekends because of his mother," Lachlan explained. Vikk smiled gently at Rob's direction, he lightly tap on Rob's shoulder , signaling him to get up from the floor. He smiled shyly as he wobbled his way up. He did groan in pain but the happiness of others helping him repel it. Jerome's group back down a bit not wanting themselves to be hurt. Preston recover from Lachlan's punch and outburst looked at Rob smiling at Vikk and Lachlan. He looks like a different person with a smile on his face. The only regret Preston has is he's not the one that made Woofless smile. Preston looked at his leader and walked over to stand by his side. "Come on he's not worth it Jay," Preston whispered. Jerome was furious but he doesn't want his pride to be more damage as it is and command his group to leave the scene. Once Jerome's group was gone , Lachlan took a deep breath of relief. "Was it good babe?" Lachlan asked his boyfriend. Vikk peck his cheek. "Why yes my good sir!" The couple almost forgot that Rob was standing next to them. "Why did you guys save me?" He asked to his heroes. The Vikklan pair just grinned and said "Why because you are the Flower King. We will always protect you no matter what. We want you to be happy." Rob has never been so happy in his life. He was crying in tears of joy. "Thank you so much. For saving me let me treat you guys with beautiful flower crowns!" Rob suggested. Vikk and Lachlan just laugh and grin as their response. "You really are the Flower King Mr.Woofless.....

Something new I hope you guys like it. Always ship Vikklan Poofless and Merome!!!

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