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Hello, I'm TemptingTheFox, and this is my Nuzlocke Diary. I'm playing Pokémon Emerald. This is where I'll keep all the information about my Nuzlocke challenge.

Brief Summary of Challenge:

Honestly, it would just be easier to look it up but, anyway, the summary. Basically, when you enter a new route/forest you can only catch the first Pokémon you encounter. If you don't want to catch the Pokémon, you don't have to, but if you kill (or do catch) the Pokémon you can't catch another Pokémon from that route. If a Pokémon faints then you have to either let it free, or keep it in the PC forever. If you blackout (all of the Pokémon faint), you fail. You can store extra Pokémon in the PC so that if one of your Pokémon faint then you can swoop it with another one from the PC. That's just a basic summary.

I encourage everyone who has Pokémon to try this challenge and post a diary on Wattpad, if you link me to it then I will read it!

My Pokémon So Far:

Finn - Mudkip - First Pokémon - Careful Nature - Given To Me by Prof. Birch

Promise - Cascoon - Third Pokémon - Lonely Nature - Caught at Route 102 - Past Evolutions: Wurmple

Flute - Tailow - Fifth Pokémon - Brave Nature - Caught at Petalburg Woods

ShadowBite - Nincada - Sixth Pokémon - Bold Nature - Caught at Route 116

Shirley - Gulpin - Seventh Pokémon - Mild Nature - Caught at Route 110

Pokémon Who Had To Say Goodbye:

ShadowKiss - Poochyena - Fourth Pokémon - Gentle Nature - Caught at Route 104

Zig Zag - Zigzagoon - Second Pokémon - Gentle Nature - Caught at Route 101

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