When You Need Him: Mikey

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Your In your room with Mikey reading comics, your trying not to show it but your really upset and you had called Mikey earlier to ask him to hang out because you need to be around your boyfriend. You don't know how to tell him what's wrong with you though.

Your trying really hard to act like your normal cheery self but little did you know Mikey could tell that something was really wrong with you.

Mikey's POV

Something is really wrong with (y/n), she's not smiling or laughing. Normally we put on music and sing and dance when i'm with her, she normally teaches me all these radical new dance routines and includes me in them but all she seems to be doing is read comics. Don't get me wrong we love reading comics we normally read and act them out but, well (y/n)'s been staring at the same page for almost 20 minuets now.

Okay I know i'm not the smartest turtle in my family, and i'm not all that bright but I can tell my girlfriend is really upset about something and she is afraid to tell me in case I don't understand. I can read my cupcake like a comic book. I think i'm gonna ask her what's wrong because I hate seeing her like this.

Your POV

Mikey walks up to you and sits beside you on your bed, he gently takes your comic out of your hands and lifts you into his lap.

''I know something is wrong cupcake. Tell me what's up your not acting like yourself, you seem really sad and I hate seeing you sad'' he says looking into your (e/c) eyes,

'he can see right through me, its like he can see into my soul. I knew I would be unable to keep anything from him' you think to yourself as you finally allow the tears you've been holding back to fall down your cheeks.

''Oh Mikey, its my dad he ran away, and my mom told me it was my fault. She said I drove him away because I am heartless and I have no soul. She told me she wishes I was never born and that everybody I've ever met also wishes I was never born, that's why she loves being able to be away from me for long periods of time for work. She started shouting at me saying that no one has ever loved me and no one ever will!'' by now your face is stained with tears, Mikey slowly starts to wipe them away one at a time.

''(Y/n), she's wrong in so many ways, you have one of the biggest hearts I have ever known in anybody, and well I am so happy you were born because if you weren't then I never would have met the most beautiful, funny most amazing dudette in the world. You've changed me so much in the best was possible I have someone else to fight for other than my family. I have someone who makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside when I think about her. Most of all I have someone to love for the rest of my life and not only love, someone i can protect and help me be the best turtle i can be.''

After listening to Mikey's speech you let out a little laugh through your tears. You throw your arms around his neck and hug him close to you, he puts his arms around your waist and pulls you close.

''Hey (y/n)?''

''yes Mikey?''

''are you a baker?''

''am I a.......wait what!?''

''because you just put the icing on my cake!''

''..........Phhhfthhahahahahahaha, Mikey that was probably the worst pick up line that I have ever heard in my life!'' you say as you continue to laugh, then it hit you he wasn't trying to use a good pick up line he was just trying to cheer you up by making you laugh.

You look up into his baby blue eyes and see he is smiling at you,

''thanks marshmallow your the best boyfriend ever''

''I know right?!'' at this you both burst out laughing again, you then decide to put on some music and make up a dance routine together. For the rest of the night Mikey made stupid jokes and said things that made no sense to make you laugh, when you laughed at everything he started laughing too, so you both spent the night laughing and having fun, all your worries washed away with the laughs.

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