Chapter 14 "Getting To Know"

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(This is the bottom part of her clothes. The top part of it will come soon. The part where the pants and shirt meet are connected btw. And yes, I know, it isn't a good picture and yes, I also know I chose weird clothes.)

3rd Perspective
The Ghost crew, Ahsoka, and Commander Sato were surrounding a projector.

3rd PerspectiveThe Ghost crew, Ahsoka, and Commander Sato were surrounding a projector

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(It sort of looks like this. But Commander Sato isn't a hologram.)

They were all spread out around it. Looking at different planets. Sabine suggested that if the Spectres were a small rebel group, then the Empire would have files of their attacks on different planets. The one with the most is where they will go to seek the Spectres and Ezra.

"I want to speak with this Liz person," Commander Sato requested. He only saw the girl unconscious. He hadn't seen nor spoke to her ever since. Commander Sato didn't think highly of Liz. He thought she would be just like Ezra. Irresponsible. Yet, it didn't come to his mind that Ezra has changed over the past years.

"Well, I asked the droid to tell her to meet us here. After she gets dressed of course," Hera said.

"Hera you asked that to the droid 20 minutes ago," Kanan corrected her.

"Fine, I'll ask the droid again." Hera said in a irritated tone.

"What seems to be the problem ma'am?" The droid asked politely as he came into the room.

"Where is Liz at?" Hera asked.

"She said she will not come out and greet you."

"What, why?" Sabine questioned.

"She says she doesn't want to see nor talk to you. She only obeys one person according to what she told me," the droid responded.

Kanan thought that since she is a padawan, she obeys Ezras demands. And since Kanan is Ezras master, she'll listen to him. Right? Liz did seem like the type of person that follows orders. But, she'll only do it if it is for a good cause. Hopefully.

"Tell her that Kanan told Liz to come out here and Ahsoka asked her, too."

"Okay," the droid obeyed. He walked out of the room.

"Kanan, do you think that will work?" Ahsoka wondered.


A few minutes later Liz walked in. It worked alright. Liz had a bandaged arm and she was also limping. Why didn't she have crutches? Did they not give her some? Or did she decide not to use them? So many questions to ask, Kanan thought to himself.

"Did you call me Kanan and Ahsoka?" Liz said leaning on the projector for balance.

"Yes. About 20 minutes ago actually," Hera commented.

"Yea, I know. I'm just nerves amd a bit depressed."

"Of what?" Zeb asked. Chopper was making grumpy noises. Trying to ask the same question. He may want to say something to Liz with strong words in it.

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