SciFell and Sins (Part 5)

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Ugh, finally, the trip's over...

Good thing is, this book is out of its mini-hiatus! YEEEEE SINNNNNNN

Sorry for the pause, guys. I'm GOING TO DO MAH BEST YEEEEEEEEE

I do not own anything except for this story. Heck, even these plotlines aren't even mine!


*The elevator finally takes its stop at the Lab.

Outer: Hm. Longer than expected. (walks out of elevator)

*The elevator goes back up.

Outer: Hey, Science!

Science: Huh? (turns around) Oh, hey, Galaxy!

Outer: Man, stop calling me that. Just call me Outer, or something.

Science: I prefer Galaxy, actually. Seems more... fitting and complex for a Sans who lives in outer space.

Outer: Yeah, yeah... just call me whatever the hell you want. It doesn't really matter.

Outer: (walks up to Science) Hey, (peeps over his shoulder) what'cha up to there, buddy?

Science: Th-this?!! (blushing) I-i-it's n-nothing! (trying to hide the pink liquid)

Outer: Oh, really? (trying to look at the pink liquid)

Science: S-seriously! You don't have to worry! (sweats)

Outer: Eh, I give up. (sighs)

Science: (sighs)

Outer: Besides, I already know what it is.

Science: (gasps)

Outer: It's some sort of love potion isn't it???? (wiggling his eyebrows)

Science: (sweats)

Outer: I'm right, aren't I? (nudging Science)

Science: (blushing)

Outer: Yep, I definitely am.

Outer: Who's it for, then?

Science: (sweats) S***!

Outer: C'mon, Science...

Science: I'm not good at keeping secrets...

Outer: C'mon, man!

Science: Fine!

Outer: Who's it for?

Science: I-... it's for...

Science: You'll have to figure it out yourself! <>:P>

Outer: Then, gimme a few clues.

Science: No!

Outer: Atleast an eensy-weensy one that won't give away the answer???

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