Jealousy (Part #5)

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Everything about this book makes no sense at all.

Sorry for super late update, lately my left arm's been being a d*** to me and giving me pains.



Chess: (wakes up) ...

Swap: Chess! Glad to see you awake! (smiles)

Chess: Mm... yeah... (nods sleepily)

Chess: ...

Everyone Else: ...

Chess: (looks around)

Chess: Wh-where's G...?

Everyone Else: ...

Chess: Guys?

Everyone Else: ...

Chess: Heh heh... guys, c'mon. St-stop staying silent...

Chess: ...where's G?

Everyone Else: ...

Everyone Else: . . .

Ganz: -you know what? Let's just... stop hiding the truth.

Chess: Wh-what do you mean by that...?

Everyone Else: (sighs)

Ganz: (looks toward Chess's direction) ...

Ganz: ...Chess...

Ganz: ...G... isn't here... anymore.

Chess: Wh-wha-?

Chess: ...ha.

Chess: ...haha...

Ganz: (looks away) ...

Chess: (giggles) What do you mean by he's "gone"?

Ganz: ...

Chess: O-of course he's here...

Chess: ...right?

Sans: -he used to be.

Chess: ...

Chess: ... (looks down)

Chess: (smiles for a moment...)

Chess: (...but then starts crying)

Everyone Else: <guilty> ...

Chess: (the tears flow endlessly)

*Even you feel a slight sense of guilt for not staying by G's side.

*You clench your heart as tears well up in yours.

Chess: WHY?! (sobs loudly)

Swap: (starts crying as well)

Ganz: (looks down in guilt)

Everyone Else: ...

Sans: (tries to comfort Chess) Chess... please don't cry...


Chess: And I... did nothing to help him...

Sans: Chess... don't be so hard on yourself...

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