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Thought it was appropriate okay

Phil's POV.

I was standing at the marble steps as the seats filled up. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Martyn, my best man. (I would have picked Dan, but I was marrying him.)
He smiled and hugged me tightly.
"Hey little bro."
"Hey Martyn thankyou for coming." I smiled into his shoulder, and pulled away to see tears glistening in his eyes.
"Dan is so lucky to have you. And if he ever hurts you in any way.."
"I know I know. You'll kill him. Drastic measures Martyn."
"Drastic times, little brother." He smiled as the organ started to play, silencing everyone.
Zoe started down the aisle, with a bouquet, dressed in a beautiful midnight blue gown. She looked stunning.
Then came Carrie, in the same dress, lacing the ground with petals. I watched as she made her way to the front, and took her seat next to Zoe, who was already crying.

And there he was. My husband-to-be.

Words cannot describe the feeling I get when I look at him usually, but this. At this point. Seeing him stand there smiling at me, I knew.
I had found my true love.
I was never letting him go.

As he walked in his jet black suit, perfectly matching mine, I couldn't help but stare.
I mean why wouldn't I?
He was mine now anyway.

He walked up the small steps and I took his hand, squeezing lovingly. He replied with the same gesture.
The vows.
We had made our own to say.
And I was up first.
"Daniel James Howell, when we first met it was via Internet, and when you were online, my heart would race. Wow I sound like a geek." Everyone laughed.
"But I'm your geek, and like Mario, I would fight a giant evil turtle for you. I would take a bullet for you, I would risk my life in any situation for you. No matter what it took to be with you, I would do it." Zoe sniffed.
"And to be quite honest, I was a nervous wreck about ten minutes ago. But watching you walk down that carpet towards me, I knew I didn't need to be afraid, as you were the one. And I'm not going to give you up without a fight. I love you Dan."
I looked up at him to See he was about to cry.
He mouthed I love you too Before starting to speak.
"Phillip Michael Lester." I cringed at my middle name.
"I have known you since the glorious year of 2009 and have been in love since the day I first laid my eyes on you. Those feelings haven't changed for all these years. It was hard to keep it from you for even a year, because I wasn't sure how you would react. I thought you would hate me because I was gay." Tears were welling up in my eyes.
"The one moment in my life I will never forget was at the fountain in leister square. It hit me at that moment how three small words can impact someone's life so greatly, and leave them with nothing but misery. But I was willing to take that risk even if it meant losing you.
I just wanted to thank you for being in my life and for the impact you've made on it. I love you."
The vicar asked if anyone wanted to object, before announcing,
"I now pronounce you husband and... Husband. You may kiss."
I pulled him in and kissed him as hard as I could, wrapping my arms around his neck. I felt his arms snake around my waist as he pulled me close.
The audience erupted, most people crying, including both of our mothers.
I pulled away to look at him and grinned.
"You're mine."
He smiled.
"I'm your's."

Uh yeah
I'm thinking of publishing another fic, so be on the lookout :)
Byeeee for now <3

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