A dream came true.

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Chapter  1

I’m watching fascinated the rose-coloured sunset through the open window of my room .  A cold shiver is gently caressing my skin.  I'm breathing the cold and heavy air of this untimely end of summer. Dark clouds are threatening the stone-still nature. The first drop of an autumnal rain, the first brassy leaves playing a violent whirl, the last breathe of nature..It’s autumn in my heart. The fluffy blanket has slipped off my legs , making me wince with a slight gasp.

*Oh, not again..*

My socks patterned Mickey Mouse were moving smoothly on the shiny floor.  Yes, that’s right ! I am the teenager of 16 years old that refuses to grow up and the one that has an innocent, juvenile soul and the one that still enjoys any insignificant thing, despite all the problems and difficulties.  I lifted up the blanket with a sleepy gesture and I threw myself in bed , wanting to idle the whole day as usually. I remained motionless for a while, looking around me, analyzing and contemplating my lifestyle: I wasn't a freak, but my biggest flaw is that I don't like meeting new people , I am not so sociable, I am way too shy and terrified of this hectic world. I have my weird habits, my fixed ideas about this society and a strong imagination. I like to call myself an..ARTIST. So, welcome to my world , a world full of colours , innocence, purity, smiles that hide painful secrets and deep wounds, music and at last but not least...RONAN DAVID PARKE !

My mother's gentle voice that sounds from the ground floor is waking me up from the reverie.

'...Yes,yes. It's going to be hard for her. This change will be a radical one, but we have to do it.'

A change? What was my mum talking about? I got out off my bed and I easly opened the door with a subtle *Clik* , heading toward the stairs. I leaned so my mum won't be able to see me. She was accustomed to these little chases of mine that bother her very much, but I just can't control myself. I am a curious teenager, just like the other teens of my age.

'.. I know , yes. I think everything will be fine! Thank you, good bye !'

*Ah, great ! I've heard absolutely nothing .. Better go upstairs before my mum..* I whispered for myself with a trembling voice.

‘Christine, I know you are there ! Come down a little , please !’

*How the hell did she know I was here? I swear that mothers have super powers or something..Ah, she's using again that academical tone of an important human. How typical! I mean, not that this wouldn't fit her , because she works in politics, but she doesn't have to use that tone with her own child..*

'Christine! she said again loudly.'

'Yeah, I am coming ..' I told her with such a tired voice as if I just had returned from a thousand miles marathon. Mom, did I hear you right? Were you saying something about a change?

She became so nervous.. Something was clearly wrong.

'What? No, it was about a client. Go in your room !'

'But you told me to come here to talk...'  I said dissapointed while going upstairs because my mom was giving me that *listen to me or we'll have an important talk about your inappropiate behaviour* look. Oh, parents.. You love them , but sometimes they make your life impossible.

I entered my room , slamming the door with a loud noise which certainly annoyed my mom... Anyway, I was here and she couldn't yell at me. I took my phone and waited for dinner wrapped in my fluffy blanket , holding a mug of hot chocolate and watching videos of Ronan.

'Honey, wake up! It's dinner time. '

A heavy hand touched my shoulder, making me wince. I fell asleep without realising, hugging a pillow that has printed on it Ronan's face.

'Dad? How are you? I'll be downstairs in a minute.'

My father was a realtor. He wasn't spending so much time at home, and when he was at home, he was working, signing documents, talking to the phone day and night , but despite of those things, he loves us , he is always here, supporting us.

'Mmm...Smells really good ! Mom, are you preparing chicken pie? I cried excited while walking downstairs with my father.

The first part of this dinner was strange, really strange. No one said a word and my mom and dad were glancing suspiciously as if they were having a hidden secret that I wasn't supposed to know. Finally, I had the courage to ask with a voice that betrayed fear and distrust:

'Hey, what happened? You are really quiet tonight..'

Mom has sent my dad a hopeless look and then managed to utter:

'You were right, honey. We'll move in another town. I've received a request for work there and the only solution is to move..I am so sorry! I know you've made here, in Glasgow, so many friends, but..'

I have made a lot of friends? The only friend of mine was the lad that sells food at the shop from our high school. What my parents didn't know was that the others think that I am a weird girl , obsessed with that 'kid that doesn't even know how to sing'. 'That doesn't even know how to sing.' Ha, I was always laughing when I was hearing those words. He has the most beautiful voice ..But even if I was treating them with indifference , it hurts.. Words hurt more than blows. The scars caused by blows get cured, but the scars caused to the soul are permanent.. I smiled.

'We're moving? It's , it's fine with me. Don't worry. Where exactly? I asked , without hiding my excitement.


Wait a minute? Did she say NORWICH? Was I dreaming?

'Did you just say Norwich? I yelled , already stolen by dreams and hopes.

'Yes, I said Norwich. Why are you so excited ?'

'Mom, dad, do you know who lives there? My idol, Ronan Parke ! Oh my God , I will finally meet him , after all those years ! You don't know how happy I am right now ! I love you both so much !

I went upstairs, in my room, without finishing my food and leaving on my parents faces a trace of fear, most probably , because I did react like a crazy ! Anyway, they didn't know so many things about Ronan. They thought that this is a temporary thing , that I am just a fan and this 'obsession' will end soon...but it had already been three years. They probably didn't count ..

I put my head on the pillow , with my soul flying to happy places. Indeed, I was really happy. And it was a real, innocent and pure joy, born out of something that for my parents is so banal, but for me so important ! I fell asleep , whispering Ronan's name..

This was the first day of a new life, a better one.

Hey, guys ! This is my first fanfic. I hope you will like it ! Just to clarify a thing, Ronan and I are 16 years old in this story. I am sorry if I've done some grammar mistakes , because in my country english is not the language we speak.. I will post the next chapter soon ! 

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