It's hard to say goodbye.

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Chapter 2

Delicate rays of light sneak through the open window , stroking my body. It seems like the whole nature enjoys my happiness.. I'm getting out of my bed, with a slight headache. Those loud noises coming from downstairs have suddenly awakened me . Wait a minute, loud noises ? I'm going fussy downstairs, disturbed by those sounds incredibly violent. I have stopped at the top of the was a sad image, mom and dad packing up EVERYTHING ..I was happy that we were moving, but confused at the same time, disappointed because we were taking this step so quickly. In my soul were playing a lot of feelings and hurts.

 'Are you already packing up? Isn't it too early?' I whispered disconcerted.

'No, sweetheart. We'll fly to Norwich the next morning. You should say goodbye to your friends. I know it's hard, but..' said my dad with an indifferent voice that was trying a note of compassion.

'Um, no, it's okay ..'

I went in my room, I threw some clothes on me (I wasn't an expert in fashion) and I've started to walk on the dusty alley, lit by the pale sun. It smells like rain. Everything was so fresh, as if the nature had reborn. I hurried to school , even if the school hasn't started yet, that shop was still open ( it's something that I have never understood, because no one buys from this shop). I took the corner of the rue that leads to the school and an innocent , happy smile has illuminated my day.

'Chris, what brings you here?'said a crysalline and gentle voice.

'George..I'm here say goodbye. I'm moving, I'll leave the town tomorrow. I am so sorry!'

His smile vanished, leaving behind it and expressionless, unreadable face.

'Are you moving?But, where?' he said with pain in his voice.'

'Norwich..You know, I should be really happy right now , but it's so hard for me to let you behind, because you are my best friend !'

'Norwich? Chris, oh my God ! Ronan lives there ! You will finally meet him ! Stop being sad, you silly ! You know, the internet and phone do still exist . We will keep in touch!'and a smile appeared on his face.

He knew me better than anyone , even better than my parents did. He was a nice, funny guy, you could trust him, he was always keeping his promises. He took out from the military jacket's pocket a little red, velvety box.

'Chris, look..I wanted to give you this in the first day of school, but I think I have to give it to you now..' he whispered while getting out from the box a little heart-shaped pendant, made from two halves, that has printed on it FRIENDS. He gave me one of the halves with a rembling hand and said: 

'I'll be always here for you, as I know you will to the same. Promise me you won't forget me ! '

'I promise !' I whispered and I've started to my house confused, with painful tears burning my cheeks.


'Christine, I've just made the transfer from high school. I have enrolled you in the best high school of Norwich.' said my mother.

I avoided to tell you this aspect of my life. I was a...nerd. This is how my 'friends'' were calling me, but it wasn't bothering me. I really like school, I have an addiction on books. I think that if you try to improve and if you work hard to accomplish your dreams, it doesn't make you a nerd. But I can't change society's mind. I've always thought that society should be your friend, but actually it kills you slowly and painfully.

With all of those mishaps of today pushing my soul, I fell asleep.

The door of my room opened slowly and a thin voice said to me:

'Chris, come down for dinner!'

Chris? They haven't call me like this since I was little.

'No, sorry, I'm not feeling okay.' I whispered while a hot tear elapsed on my cheek and the door has closed , leaving me, alone , in the dark.. It was so much sadness in my soul's joy !

Chapter 2 is here ! I hope you'll like it ! Tell me what you think about it ..:)

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