• First Day •

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Louis pulled into the school's parking lot, and parked in the nearest parking spot. "Alright." He unbuckled his seatbelt and turned around to face the back seat of the car. "Blair, you ready for your first day?"

She sat in the back seat, with a frown on her face. She shook her head. "No."

"Why?" He asked. She shrugged her shoulders and looked out the car window.

"Come on, I'll walk you in." He said grabbing his keys and got out of the car. Louis opened the car door and unbuckled Blair's seat belt.

"I'm scared." Blair said.

"You'll be fine, honey." She set her down, before reaching in to grab her lunchbox and school bag. "Put on your book bag." Blair did as she was told with the help of her father. "Come on, let's go in together." She cracked a smile as her dad grabbed her hand and walked her down the chalk covered sidewalk.

And yes Louis knew he'd be late for his meetings, but this was his little girls first day of school and he would be damned if he missed it. Being a single parent to a child was never easy, Louis knew this all too well. He use to think that being locked in a room with the entire review board, talking on how his company, was bad. But that was before fatherhood came upon him. All that seemed like a freaking cakewalk compared to her terrible twos. Luckily he had a good housekeeper who'd help out. She had been there to raise him as his two parents worked to build their business. And Louis had always vowed that he'd never do that to his child and he intended to keep that vow.

As Louis approached the school, Blair started to tense up. "Daddy." She whined, stopping. Louis stopped as well and looked at his daughter. "Blair, honey." He got down to eye level with her. He pushed a strand of stray hair from her face.

You finished directing the boy and his mother to the classroom, when you saw man kneeling down in front of his daughter. She was tearing up, and you felt a pang of sympathy for her and him. You approached them. "Is everything alright?" You ask clasping your hand together in front of you.

Louis looked up at you and smiled. "Just first day jitters." He said wiping a stray tear from her cheek. "Right, Blair?" She didn't respond. She just bit at her finger in nervousness.

"Aw." You say looking a bit glum. "Blair, that's a very pretty name." She mumbled a thank you. I'm Miss. YN. Do you want to hear a little secret?" You ask. Blair nodded. You lean down just enough so that you could be face to face with her. "It's my first day too." You whisper.

She looked up and sniffled. "Really?" She asked in a quite voice.

You nodded. "Mhm. And I'm kind of nervous too."

"See, Blair." Louis said. "Even grown ups get nervous."

"Yeah. Do you wan to go inside and meet other little boys and girls? Maybe you can even help them if their nervous. What do you say?"

She wiped her face with the back of her hand. "Okay."

"Great." You told a hold of his hand and led her into the school. Louis followed suit. In the school, he made eyes widen. He being as tall as he is, and the children being five or so, it's bound to happen. "And here is your classroom." You say. "Go on in and walk around. Take a look around." Blair looked up at her dad and Louis gave her a thumbs up. She smiled, and walked into the small classroom.

"Wow, are you sure it's your first day?" Louis asked turning to face you.

You smiled. "Yeah. I'm YN YLN." You held out your hand. He accepted. "Louis. Louis Tomlinson." You shook his hand.

"Wait, Tomlinson as in Tomlinson & Tech?"

He nodded. "Yeah. CEO."

"Wow, that's cool. And tell me Mr.Tomlinson, why this school? Why not some private school? Because I'm certain you can afford it."

"Well, because when I was her age, this is where I went to school. I also don't want to raise Blair around all those preppy people. I want to raise her with values, you know?" He explained.

"Well that's good. And suppose you still live in some high rise apartment?" You ask.

"No, actually, when Blair was born, and when her mom left me, I moved in down on 8th street. House number 215. Speaking of that, what time do you get off?"

"5:00, why?"

"Because I'm inviting you to dinner. My house 7:30, tonight." Louis finished and pulled out his phone. "I'm late, Blair, honey?"

Blair ran out and hugged her father. "I love it here." She said.

"That's good, daddy has to go, but I'll be back to pick you up later. Behave for Miss. YLN, okay." Blair nodded. Louis pressed a kiss to her temple and stood up. "And I'll see you at 7:30."

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