• It Hurts Here •

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The sound of your ringtone woke you up from a deep sleep. And a damn good one too. Possibly the best sleep you'd gotten in days. Things at your work weren't as easy as they were. But none the less you reached over lazily to your bedside table and picked up your phone.

"Hello?" You answered.

"(Y/N)? It that you?"

"Louis?" You questioned, as you pulled the phone back and looked at the caller ID. And sure enough it was him.

"What do you want?"

"Um can you come get me?"

"Why didn't you call one of the boys?"

"Because they all didn't answer, and I didn't know who else to call. Please."

You took in a deep sigh and threw the covers away. "Okay, where are you?"

"At a bar called McMillan's."

"Okay, I'll be there in a few." After that you hung up and threw on a pair of skinny jeans, an old soccer shirt and your converses.

"Honey?" You heard Henry say in a sleepy yet sexy voice. "Where are you going?" He turned his head to face the clock. "It's one in the morning."

"A friend, they called and they need me there."

"A friend? As in Louis?"

"Yeah, he's probably out drunk and I'm going to go pick him up."

"Babe, why you? Can't one of his friends do it?"

"They can't, and he's in need. Just go back to bed and I'll be back in a few."

"Okay." He said softy, before he snuggled back into the blankets. You leaned over and kissed him before you left.

You didn't need directions to the bar. You knew where it was, in fact you and Louis celebrated your two year anniversary there. But that was before the break up. Before he cheated on you. Before he cheated on you three times. And third  time is the charm because that's when you broke it off for good.

After that you got your life together and started a career in acting. That's where you met Henry. You life was finally going good.

When the bar was in view you chose a parking space and went looking for Louis. When you found him he was slumped outside an ally.

"Louis!" You called out. You ran over to him, and placed your hands on both his cheeks. He had a large bruise forming under his eyes and his lip was bleeding. "Oh, Louis. What did you do?"

He started mumbling and answered. "Well some chick with a boyfriend kissed me and well this." He pointed to his battered face.

"Come on, let's get you home."

Once you got him to his house you took him to his bedroom and set him down. "I'll be back." He fell back onto the bed and you went downstairs to retrieve a towel and some ice. You knew where everything was seeing as you've lived there before.

You went back upstairs and he was up and rubbing his face, gently. "Let me see." He looked up and you started wiping the blood away and once that was done you placed the ice wrapped in a cloth to his bruise.

"Okay where else does it hurt?" You asked.

"Here." He pointed to his heart and you broke ever so slightly.


"(Y/N), I'm sorry. Please believe me. I'm a changed man. I'm not the same person. Please take me back, please." He begged.

"Louis, I can't."

"If it's the drinking I'll stop. The only reason I do it is because it helps keep you off my mind. But please, I need you."

"Louis, you don't understand, I can't." You said more sternly.

"And why not?!" He shouted.

"Because I'm engaged!"

When he heard that he stopped, and just stared at you. By now the tears started flowing down his cheeks. "To who?"

"Henry. Henry Cavill. We met awhile ago and we're getting married. I'm sorry Louis. I'm meant to tell you."

He didn't respond after that. "Um... I've got to go, but um I'll leave you a glass of water and two Advil on the kitchen counter for the hangover." You voice cracked mid sentence. "Goodbye Louis." With that you were gone.

You set the stuff out like you said and then you headed home. Not only would Louis wake up with a hangover and two Advil waiting for him, but also an invitation to you and Henry's wedding. You'd kept it in your bag in case you ever ran into him, nows as good as time as any.

Once home you kicked off your shoes set your phone and keys, and purse down and headed upstairs to Henry. You saw him asleep and you slipped under the covers with him. Before you knew it, tears started slipping. Louis was your past and Henry was your future. That's how it's was to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2017 ⏰

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