• Moment •

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"Louis, love, I hope you're packed and ready to go." You said as you stepped through the door.

He's almost always on tour and it didn't help your relationship at all. He was never home. So in compensation for your heart ache he offered you a trip to Brazil.

He came downstairs rubbing his face with his hands. "Um... About that."

After that sentence you knew what was coming.

"Please don't saw what I think you're about to say." I said. He sighed and walked over to you.

"We have a show tomorrow and then management move the next leg of the tour for the day after that, but how about a rain check?"

"Sure, I'll just put that next the rest of the umbrellas you keep handing me."

"YN..." He started, but you cut him off.

"No, Louis, I can't. I just can't do this anymore."

As you said this your voice cracked, showing your emotional state.

"Postpone it." You stated.

"It's not that simple."

"Well nothing with you ever is. I mean really Louis they've taken over your life and you can't see it."

"Listen, (Y/N), I'm sorry, but you knew that this would happen when you got into this relationship. With my career and all. And of all the people I would've thought would understand, I thought you would. Sometimes my career has to come first. Before the things I want and the things I love."

Tears had managed to slip down your face and Louis placed his thumb under your eye, wiping the tear. "I'm sorry. I never wanted to hurt you."

"Well you finally got around to it, didn't you?"

Louis started crying immediately after your statement. The hot tears running down his face as you approached him.

"This is it right, this moment, the moment I'm gonna regret for the rest of my life?" Louis asked. I nodded. "Yes."

He craned his neck down so that your lips touched his. The sparks still being there but unable to continue. You tried pulling away but he held you close, knowing that this kiss would be the last you'd ever share. Your hands laid flat against his chest as you pushed him away. The connection was finally gone and you walked away, leaving his life forever.

LOUIS TOMLINSON IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now