• Red Umbrella •

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There was a fire early today in your apartment building. The neighbors down the hall from you had a fire and now there was soot everywhere. So you decided to go out and buy more produce. To add to things it was raining and the wind was up and running. You grabbed your red umbrella from the hall closet and walked out to the elevator.

The whole time you were thinking about that cute stormy-blue eyed fire man you had seen earlier today. He was really handsome and caught your eye instantly. Once the elevator doors opened you stepped out and walked out the building.

The cold wind and the sharp water droplets hit you. You saw a fire truck drive by and sitting there was the blue eyed man you'd had seen earlier. He smiled and started speaking to one of his fellow firemen, seated next him. While he did this you tried opening your umbrella, but then a gust of wind blew, and it went flying out of your hands.

"Oh crap!" You said while trying to running after it. Then out of nowhere someone grabbed it and picked it up for you. It was the fire man. He smiled as he handed it over.

"Here you go love." You grabbed the broken and mangled umbrella. "Oh well thanks." You tried fixing it but it didn't work out "I don't think that will work." You mumbled and he smiled. "Oh well."

"Where are you headed?" He asked. "Well now to get a new umbrella." You said with a smile.
"Produce, actually. My apartment is full of soot."

"Oh well, can I buy you a late dinner?" He asked, hoping you'd say yes. "Well I don't know."

"Come on, please."

"Okay, sure." You gave in, and you both walked down the street. "My names Louis by the way." He said holding out his hand. You took it in yours and shook it. "(Y/N)." And it was almost like the universe wanted you to have a worst night, because the rain started pouring even harder. "Oh god." You said "Here." Louis said, taking off his jacket and covering you with it. "Let's go." He said, and you were both off to find some place dry.


Tonight was the night of you and Louis' anniversary. You'd had been dropping small hints here and there but not fully telling him. You wanted him to remember by himself.
"So babe, what are you doing tonight?" You asked as you saw him putting on his shoes.

"Poker night with the guys." He said, putting on the other shoe. "Oh... Well okay." You said sounding a little disappointed. "Hey, babe, will you grab my coat from the hall closet?" Louis asked. And even though you we disappointed in him for forgetting you guys anniversary you did it anyways. "Sure."

You walked over to the hall closet and opened it. Almost instantly something fell out. You grabbed it and saw that it was wrapped up in this almost metallic blue gift wrap. "What the-" You said raising an eyebrow at the object.

You unwrapped it and saw that it was a red umbrella. Just like the one you had the night you met Louis.

"Oh my god." Your voice broke a little at the end. You turned around and saw Louis standing behind you.

"Did you really think I'd forget the day I met the most amazing woman in the world?" He said with a smile. Tears poured over as you kissed him, knowing that he still remembered all the little things.

LOUIS TOMLINSON IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now