Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Evan was getting a kick out of Lillith. She was shy and brassy at the same time when that shouldn’t be possible. She was also beautiful and didn’t seem to know it. Sure, she was a world class geek but that didn’t take away from her dark brown eyes, full pink mouth, and hair that looked like it should be in a shampoo commercial as it rested upon her shoulders. She wasn’t classically pretty like the other girls he’s been with, her eyes were set a little wide and two of her bottom teeth were crooked. Yet, all those things worked when they were put together.

She was in shape, her legs were long and tone but he couldn’t detail the rest yet. He needed to get her out of that dreary uniform.

After a quick hello to his mother he rushed upstairs with Lillith. He knew his mother was a second away from asking if they wanted some cookies or something. Anything to keep them out of his bedroom. It was clear as day she wasn’t a fan of his grandfather’s way of thinking.

Evan himself didn’t mind, from a very young age the importance of an heir had been drilled into his head. He didn’t doubt his grandfather had his well being at heart and because of that, he did anything the old man asked.

It wasn’t as if sleeping with Lillith was going to be such a hardship.

He let her step inside his room first while he locked the door. He stood back and watched as she took in his bedroom. It was large and fit for a king. He had everything a teenage boy could want and on top of that, everything was state of the art, from the carpet to the bed railing.

He walked forward and rested his hand on the small of her back. “Do you want something?” she shook her head no. “You know what has to happen, right?” she nodded yes. “It would help if you spoke to me.” She froze up in the car and hadn’t uttered a word since. He went and stood in front of her so she’d look at him and not at something unimportant on the wall. It didn’t work.

“I don’t know what to say.” She was a nervous mess, he could smell it coming off her in waves.

Evan couldn’t understand why the more nervous she got, the more turned on it made him. Maybe because he really liked that fact another guy hadn’t touched her and there was no way she was lying about it. He had never been with a virgin before, not even when he was a virgin himself.

“You need to relax.”

She sighed and continued to avoid looking at him. “We don’t know each other and yet we’re supposed to….”

“Have sex?” a smile tugged at his lips.


He took her hand. “What do you want to know?” he pulled her along to the bed and they sat. She wringed her hands and tried to figure out what to say. He placed his hand under her chin and brought her face up to kiss her. He felt the urge she had to run and he feared she might actually do it. “Relax.” He kissed her again and moved his arm around her waist just in case she chose to flee after all.

He laid her back and moved his mouth along her neck. She ran hotter than the other girls he had been with; he liked the feel of her feverish skin against his lips. He wondered if it had to do with the different strands of DNA in her makeup.


“Hmm?” as he kissed her neck and collarbone he tugged her shirt free from the plaid skirt.

“Do you want to do this? Or is it because you have to?”

He lifted his head from the curve of her neck but kept his hand under her top. “Both. Just because we have to it doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy it.” he moved his hand under her skirt. “I want to enjoy you.” He wasn’t the type of guy that found forcing a girl arousing, he needed her willing.

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