Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Evan sat across from his grandfather. They were in the old man’s lavish home office, the same one where Evan officially met Lillith the other day. It was strange how a matter of days could feel like a lifetime. Fury was burning at the edge of every nerve, it took all the control he had not to lash out at the man he once looked up to.

“You lied to me.” Evan spoke softly.

Gil was flipping through some report across his desk. He looked like a man sitting on top of the world. “About what?”

“Lillith.” Her name tasted sour on his tongue.

The old man sighed, still not looking up from what he considered more important. “What has that girl told you? A pretty face is a dime a dozen, I’ve always told you that. There’s no way you can take her word over mine. I won’t hear of it.”

The fury burned behind his eyes in the form of tears. “You forced me to take advantage of a girl because of your sick need to be in control.” It was always about control for a wolf man, more so for a man like Gil who didn’t allow someone to breathe unless he mapped out the pattern first. “You lied to me,” he spoke again. “You used me just as easily.” He foolishly thought his ruthless grandfather had a heart, somewhere, for his only grandchild. He heard stories all his life about the cruel man sitting before him, but never had he experienced it for himself. It was an ugly feeling.

Gil Fitzpatrick finally looked up. “What is this nonsense?”

“You blackmailed her and her family!”

He calmly folded his hands over one another, his breathing became eerily controlled. “And? Did you honestly think the mother to our future heir would be some commoner? Why do you think I chose her of all the girls in this city? She is the only one I found that carries the gene doormat. We don’t have to worry about a shift harming the child.” He made it all sound perfectly normal. “The child, our family, that is all that matters here Evan. Don’t let some bleeding heart cloud your judgment.” He waved his hand to indicate he was done entertaining the subject.

Evan’s hand curled tightly around the armrest of his seat. He wanted to lash out, to scream out his frustrations with all the hate boiling up inside of him, but that would only be a waste of time. It’d mean nothing to the man. He had to play the game the way it was lain before him.  “And if I don’t agree?”

“You know me better than that, son.”

Evan smiled. “I do. I’ll let you get back to that important business right there. Have a good afternoon, grandfather.” He walked out of the office and clear back downstairs to the front door. If he didn’t get out of the house he was going to do something stupid, like attack his grandfather.

His skin was simmering with heat, an ache that gnawed to the marrow of his bones. Control, control, it was always about control and how odd he had none. His family decided everything and like a fucking fool he allowed it because it was easy. It wasn’t so easy anymore. He felt sick. There was a girl out there possibly carrying his child, a child deep down he didn’t want.

Evan was an eighteen year old boy who liked parties and adventure. Where did a kid fit into that? He didn’t want to be an absent father or like his own father who rolled with the punches. It was no wonder he liked the easy route, it was the one he saw his dad take frequently. His thoughts shifted to his mother and he felt sick all over again. Did she have any say in who she married, when she got pregnant?

He walked hurriedly away from the house and soon his fast walking turned into running. The boy and the wolf trapped inside his head needed to get away. He wanted to run away and never look back at the manipulative people he shared DNA with. He wanted to run to a place where the weight of the world wasn’t pulling him down into a sea abyss of darkness.

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