Chapter 8: Home

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     After being in the void for an hour admiring it, Kris stood back up and left the void through the portal, it was now dark in the real world and the purfect time for Kris to hunt for prey. He climbed up onto a tree and roared his sp00ky roar. He could hear everything on the ground scatter and he jumped back down onto the ground and chased a deer. He caught up to it quickly and dived at it and pierced it's side with his claws. The deer was dying quickly and Kris watched it die painfully, once Kris knew that the deer had died, he began feasting on its body eating it quickly. In under 2 minutes, all that was left was the skeleton of it, and Kris was sitting down against a tree, and stare at the bones of the deer.
     "I shouldn't have let that 'thing' get away, he's dangerous, he's a void monster" archangel said landing down on the ground. "He's going to ruin this town because of me..."
     Kris walked out of the forest and he felt kind of weird and felt sudden pains in his back. He fell to his knees and 5 quill like structures began forming on his back. Afew minutes later the pain stopped and he stooped up and felt them. He smiled "evolution is amazing."

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