Thought I Was Alone

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I thought I was alone so I sat down and started to cry. This was not how it was supposed to be. I was supposed to be happy but I wasnt.
I hear voices by the door and the knob start to turn. I sank back into the corner as far as I could and they opened the door.
"Are you sure they won't catch us in here?" "No they shouldnt. It's a perfect place for writing songs, Frank."
So one of their names is Frank. Hm. I peeked out from behind my hair and the one with red dyed hair turned around and look at me and his face dropped. I completely freaked and got up to run to the door but he beat me there.
"Hey, what's wrong? Are you alright?" He asked. I shrugged and looked away. He put his fingers under my chin and I turned my head to look at him. "You've been crying" he said softly and wipes my remaining tears.
"Tell me what's wrong" he whispered. I signed 'I don't talk' but he didn't understand. "What?" I wiggled out of his grasp and and walked to the white board and wrote in dry erase marker. I don't speak
Just don't
" I won't hurt you."
I know
"So..why don't you talk?"
Long story
"I've got time."
Don't trust you

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2016 ⏰

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