Chapter 1. -My Story

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  • Dedicated to My Mom

Chapter 1. -My Story, How It All Began

My Son, let me first start with a bit of background; and while it may seem strange to you for me to give you my childhood story as the background, relax. Do you doubt me so much? It will all come together in due time.

My childhood was a very privilaged one.  My parents owned a large stone three story cottage, that was passed down to them by my mothers parents. The house had high vaulted cielings and banasters perfectly placed at the right height for a young boy like me to jump on and slide down. It had six bedrooms, with huge canopy beds with soft downy mattresses perfect for bouncing on and fluffy feathered pillows which served as excellent weapons against the dress forms I would fight against in my mothers room.

 My grandparent had been VERY wealthy. I was never quite sure of how wealthy but I had heard it said that my grandparents had been the wealthiest in the kingdom, second only to the king himself.

Of course I was only a child at the time and words like money and inheritances had little meaning to me. I would much have rather had a new sword to fight with or a bowl of pudding to sneek out to the barn to eat.

With the house and the enamerous land surrounding it, my parents had received from my grandparents several million dollars. Between all this and the heafty salary my parents earned on their own I think I came to be a bit spoiled.

I had all I could have wanted, and I don't know that I ever appreciated that though.

We had our own staff that cleaned the house and tended the grounds. Out garden was a sight to behold. You my son, would surely have loved it. I spent hours as a child out in the gardens playing hide and seek among the tall hedges and swimming in the colossal fountains. However, even with all the servants, my mother still did all the cooking. She was adamant that no one else but her and her assistant, a young girl named Abigail, were to enter the kitchen. It was her own little world in there, and she was very protective of it.

Much like you son, I grew up not knowing my grandparents. They had died two years before I was born. My brother was only three when they died and he didn't remember them either. In the midst of my blissful childhood, I suppose that this was the only thing that bothered me, I didn't understand death. I didn't understand how other children had grandparents and I didn't. I wanted to know them.

My mother was always more than willing to talk about them. She said that they were wonderful people. My grandfather was a cobbler, and my grandmother was a Lady-in-waiting for Her Royal Majesty. My grandmother met my grandfather buying shoes from him.My grandmother was, from my mothers description, very beautiful. My grandfather obviously overtaken by her looks offered her the shoes for free. He worked night and day to produce the loveliest shoes ever seen. He created them to match her eyes, soft blue green colored eyes. My grandmother wore those shoes to her coming of age ball and everywhere after. And, of course, because she was a lady-in-waiting, Her Royal Majesty noticed. She questioned my Grandmother as to where she had gotten those shoes, and arranged a meeting with the cobbler. Her Royal Majesty was extremely impressed by my grandfathers work and hired him to work at the palace. Now that both my grandfather and my Grandmother both worked at the palace they ran into each other much more frequently. And in classic fairytale fashion they fell in love and lived happily ever after.

My brother and I always laughed at my mother's love stories growing up. We much rather would have heard the battle and knight stories from our father. However, now I appreciate my mom taking the time to tell us those stories, because without them I fear I would have no touch with the past. 

My parents and I lived in the Kingdom of Inish. At the time, the Inish Kingdom was the largest in all the world. There were a few other kingdoms here and there, but compared to the size of ours, they were as small as the hairs on an elephants back.

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