Chapter 2. - My Rebellion

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Chapter 2. -My Rebellion

We traveled on foot.

(Actually it was more of "We traveled on the blisters of our feet")

No person, that was loyal to the King, would in their right mind sell us horses; or any thing else for that matter.

It seemed that everyone was afraid to seen or even in the same town as us. I think that people thought that we were evil maniacs or something.

(Not that we helped with that, I mean, if you think about it we kinda were)

Daily, we would slowly and painfully walk from town to town adding more to our gauntly group as we trudged along.

Walking everyday and resting only at daybreak was a very boring lifestyle. Wake up.. find food... walk.. walk.. walk.. walk.. walk and walk some more.

Did I mention walk?

That was our day.

We could never stay in any town or village overnight or even a few hours because the people in the town might capture us or turn us in to the authorities.

I would never wish this kind of lifestyle on anyone, especially you my son.

Believe me, sleeping on the ground under the stars is not as fun or dreamy as people make it out to be.

The ground is hard and cold, no matter where you are and no matter what the time. The ground is not comfortable now nor will it ever be.

(Even when your exhausted, being tired does NOT make things softer.)

The trees are not 'leafy canopies', they are annoying bug attractors that drop leaves and twigs on your head every now and again.

And the stars and moon are NOT dreamy. They are just annoying night lights that never burn out.

All this combined resulted in one night of poor sleep after another.

And since we had nothing else to be doing, we caused riots. They were a tradition of sorts for us.We brought this group together through riots and riff-raff, so it only seemed natural that we would continue with it.

Now I am sure that had we set our minds to it, we could have found better more resourceful things to do with our time, but we were lost, son. We didn't have a leader and we were not mature enough to lead ourselves. We were all under the age of nineteen and none of us had ever had a 'real' job. Much less had to care for ourselves.

Because of these lackings, and the fact that we were bored. We never were up to good.

We would raid farmers carts and knock the goods on the ground, destroying them and making quite a mess in the street while doing so.

The farmers would become furious. They would yell and scream and chase us about the village until they finally stopped, completely out of breath.

It was quite exhilarating in our opinions.

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