Chapter : 4

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It's been few weeks since Alfie came into our school now; and well, as I can see Sophie is happier when he's around. I don't know if I should call it 'jealousy'? Or just being overprotective over a best friend. I really don't trust that guy what so ever..I think he has bad intentions towards Sophie If he does, he better hope he is dead before I can catch him.

I heard Alfie talking to his friends about how he wants to date Sophie until the end of school, which is near, and then dump her and never talk to her again.

It's break time, and as usual I see Sophie with Alfie together laughing their heads off, and Sophie is not even paying attention to me. We do speak sometimes, but that's when Alfie isn't around, which really hurts considering I was the one who helped her more than anyone else. I guess it's life, right?

"Hey bro, what's up?" One of my mates said so suddenly which shocked me.
"Huh? What do you mean? I'm fine." I replied with a kind of a shaky voice.
"Ah huh, yeah sure. That's why you're always staring at Sophie huh? Mate, cmon you can't fool me. I know you're jealous." He explained and kind of smirked at me. 'Damn is it that obvious?' I asked myself mentally before replying.
"Well, considering I was the one who helped Sophie, it kinda makes me mad that she's ignoring me because of her old friend." I said and I didn't realise that my voice sounded angry. I felt my eye colour change and I knew I had to calm down. I shut my eyes and breathed in, then let out a heavy sigh.

After a few minutes, I decided to walk away simply because I couldn't stand the view of Sophie and Alfie together anymore.

It was lesson time and I was walking alone to English. I was staring at my phone and I didn't look at who's around me. Suddenly *BOOM*
"ouch, watch it you-" I heard a female voice say, it sounded very familiar. I then looked away from my phone and realised it was Sophie.
"Oh, um, sorry I wasn't looking" I replied gulping and helped her up.
"Ha, I gathered." She said and smiled at me kindly and then walked away. Gosh, how much longer of this can I take? Can this get any worse?

(Sophie's POV)

What is wrong with Jack? He's been avoiding me recently. Is he that jealous of me and Alfie? I should probably go and talk to him, and explain the whole situation.

It's lunch time and I'm walking around looking for him. To my annoyance, there is no sight of Jack anywhere. 'Maybe he went to the library?' I thought to myself. I made my way towards the library and when I got there, there he was. Just sitting. Alone. Reading a book.

"Hey, can I sit here?" I asked him and he looked at me with a shocked expression but then his face dropped and he looked down again.
"Sure. Where's Alfie?" He suddenly asked still reading the book.
"He's with his friends, and plus I wanted to talk to YOU" I replied and smiled at him and he looked at me with a straight face and stared for a few seconds, then he put his book away.
"Why me?" He crossed his arms.
"Hey hey hey, don't be like this. You know me and Alfie haven't seen each other in AGES. Besides, I still haven't forgotten how you helped me." I tried to explain as well as I could, but his face didn't change at all.
"Oh really? I see it differently..." He muttered and looked me dead in the eye and continued "'ve been ignoring me Sophie. You didn't even come and say hey to me even once since you started to hang out with him. It hurts you know. It feels like you've completely forgotten about me" he stated and I could see the anger building up inside him. I went up and hugged him.

"No, I haven't. I'm sorry if you think that way.." I whispered in his ear and let go. "But, why would it matter so much? I mean, me and Alfie are only friends, besides, so are me and you. So there shouldn't be a problem. Right?" I asked and looked at him, hoping for some kind of reaction. Instead, I only saw him staring at me and his eyes changed to gold again
"Yeah, right" he sighed and got up, patted my shoulder and walked out. I sighed loudly and also walked out looking for Alfie.

After I found Alfie I went up and him.
"Oh hey" he said and tried to smile but couldn't for some reason. "Hey Sophie, can I talk to you alone?" He said and looked at me with a serious expression.
"Yeah sure" I replied. He took me somewhere where no one could see us. It felt weird at first, but I knew that he must of wanted to talk to me about something really important.

"So? What did you want to talk to me about?" I asked and he just sat down next to me and I noticed that he kind of went a bit pink.
" see.." He tried to talk but couldn't get the words out. I looked at him confused.
"Hey, don't worry, if its something personal you don't have to-" I started but he interrupted me.
"Sophie...I like you. I have ever since I met you, and meeting you again was the best thing that could ever happen to me. And um-" he said and paused to have a look at me. My eyes were wide open because I wasn't expecting him to actually say this. He then grabbed my hand and nothing could prepare me for what happened next.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" He looked me dead in the eye with a hopeful face.
'WHAT!' I thought to myself but I kept calm. I looked at him, my expression shocked. I analysed his question for a mere second before answering.

"Of course I will!"
His face brightened up after my answer. He 5en leaned in and kissed me passionately.

We then got up after having a little talk and walked away from that place. He said he wanted to introduce me to his friends, and I couldn't be anymore happier.

"Guys, this is Sophie, the one I told you about. Also, you can call her my girl now" he explained as he introduced me to then. He smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back. All of them congratulated him and me. I didn't realise that Jack heard it all. He was standing close to us when Alfie said that to his friends. My eyes turned towards him and I could see his eyes were fully gold at this stage. He also literally crashed a plastic cup in his hands. I looked away as he gave me the death stare. He looked as if he was about to kill Alfie.

(Jacks POV)

NO WAY. THIS ISN'T HAPPENING. SHE DID NOT JUST AGREE TO DATE ALFIE. SHE JUST GOT HERSELF INTO BIGGEST TROUBLE! I mean, Alfie doesn't even love her. What do I do? Do I tell her about that Alfie is only pretending? This is just great isn't it. First I loose my best friend because of that prick, and now he's dating her. My day couldn't get any worse than this can it?

As I was walking home, I saw Sophie again. The second she saw me, she ran up to me.
"Hey Jack..are you okay?"
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be? Oh what, because Alfie is dating you? Nah, it's okay. I'm happy for you two" I tried to sound as happy for her as possible and faked a smile.
"R-really? Thanks!" She said and hugged me and ran off, at least she's happy. I started to walk down to get to my house. Suddenly *BOOM*

"Hey Jack?" I bumped into someone who claimed to know my name.
"Um hello? How do you know my name?" I asked and gave her the confused look. She laughed at my response.
"Oh my, you don't remember me? I'm Amber. You know, the one who left in year 7" she explained and smiled at me.
"Oh my days! Hey Amber! You changed a lot, I didn't even recognise you" I said and we hugged.
"I know, a lot of people tell me that. Do you go to this school?" She asked curious.
"Yeah, why?" I replied with another confused look
"Oh really? I'm starting here from next week" she stated and smiled as she looked at the building.

"That is great! So, see you then?" I uttered.
"Of course!" she replied and walked off. It felt great to see her again. A little backstory, Amber used to be my old crush and also my best friend. She left town in year 7 for family reasons and I haven't seen her since. Seeing her actually made my day. Now I understand what Sophie felt when she saw Alfie after so long. I'm looking forward to seeing Amber in our school.

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