Chapter 20 : The day everything changed.

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It's been a month since everything that happened between me and Amber. I have finally finished all of my exams and on top of that today is my birthday - I honestly couldn't be more happier. Finally, my sweet sixteen! I was waiting for this day for ages and now it has finally come.

I know today I will fully turn, but that thought doesn't scare me at the moment. For now all I hope for is that today will go well and Amber will not annoy me. Me and her have actually been getting along quite okay, but I still see her glaring at me from time to time when I'm with Jack. I started to actually ignore her stares and still have fun, because with Jack by my side, what could go wrong? He's been there for me through a lot so I think that even if today goes wrong, I have Jack to back me up.

I heard my alarm ring in my ear and immediately woke up. I turned it off and sat up straight. I looked around my dark room and smiled. For the first time in forever, I was happy on a morning. I got up, turned the light on and made my bed. That's my routine you could say.

I got my uniform out of my wardrobe and started to get dressed. It took me about 10 minutes since everything had to be perfectly done. You could say I'm a perfectionist when it comes to my uniform. I then started to do my hair all nice and curly. I know it would stay curly only for today since, but today was a special day so I needed to look good. After I did my hair, I took one last glance in the mirror and I was satisfied with what I saw.

I then took out my makeup bag and started to put on my foundation, eyeliner, mascara and finally red lipstick. Everything was on fleek and I was so proud. I took a look at my self again and smiled. I was so excited to see what today brings.

I walked downstairs and there was no one. Only my usual breakfast. I raised an eyebrow and wondered where have my grandmother and grandfather gone. I stood there for a short while and they jumped out of nowhere.
"Happy birthday!" They both shouted at the same time. I chuckled a bit at their childishness and hugged them both.
"Here sweetie, here's your present" my grandmother said and gave me a box nicely wrapped up. I opened it slowly and it was a new phone which I begged for, for a very very long time. I thanked my grandmother so much. Then my grandfather gave me his present and it was some jewellery; It was a princess ring and some earrings to go with it. I was overwhelmed with happiness by that point because they both got me presents which were requested by me.

By how my morning went, I'm sure today will be an amazing day for me. After I thanked them both I sat down and quickly ate my breakfast because I didn't want to be late for the bus. After I finished I walked out of the house onto my 'favourite' bus stop. When I got there, today it seemed different. It didn't seem so scary and gloomy as before, it seemed....normal for the first time ever.

I waited a few minutes and the bus came and I got in and sat down. I put my music in and enjoyed the view. For the first time I was actually happy to go to school. Usually I didn't like going to school, but since it was my birthday, I didn't mind. Everything seemed so much nicer and brighter. I was in such a god mood, that nothing could bring me down.

I thanked the driver as usual as I arrived at the school. I made my way towards the gate to my school. When I got closer and closer, I saw Jack standing there, waiting for me. A little smile made its way into my lips and I walked over to him. When he saw me his face just lit up and he welcomed me with open arms.
"Hey and happy birthday!" He said while hugging me. That made me smile even more.
"Thank you Jack" I replied gently while pulling away. He looked at me and I think he noticed that today I looked better than usual.
"Well, you look nice today. Not like you don't look nice anyway" he flirted and checked me out.

"You done checking me out?" I said with a raised eyebrow with a little smirk.
"Nope" he answered simply and chuckled a little. His chuckle was so sexy, it nearly made me drool. When he was done, he took out my birthday present.
"There you go" he said while handing me it. It was a little thing and it looked like it was in a box. I opened it slowly. I didn't want to break anything, just in case. It was a bracelet which me and Jack checked out a couple of weeks ago - I whined about how much I wanted it, so the fact that he decided to buy it for my birthday was so sweet to me.

"Oh my god, thank you!" I shouted with excitement and hugged him again.
"It's no problem. I mean, you wanted it for so long so there you go" he said while hugging me back hesitantly. I kissed his cheek in response and pulled away slightly - I was still in his arms when he smiled at me brightly. After a while I pulled away and put the bracelet on. He noticed and took my hand as we walked inside the school.

We walked all the way around the school and so many people said happy birthday to me. It almost felt like I was the queen or something. We were in the middle Of a conversation when suddenly I spotted Amber. It made me stop. I know I said that nothing could bring me down today but seeing her changed my mind. She clearly saw us and walked over.

"Oh Sophie, happy birthday" was the first thing she said to me and smiled. I only nodded and smiled back in response. I didn't really know how to react in that situation because she was being nice to me. It was rare for her to be nice, and especially to ME. I didn't really think much of it.

I saw that Jack was being suspicious about Amber's behaviour but didn't say anything.
"Oh I almost forgot, there's your present..." she handed me a very old ring. "...or shall I say, half of your present. The rest you'll get after school" I looked at her and gulped at her last sentence; it made me concerned. I took the ring with so much hesitation and thanked her. It was a silver ring with a massive crystal rose at the top. I put it on and Jack noticed. His eyes widened and he immediately pulled me aside.

We were standing alone and he took my hand in his.
"Sophie, this ring is SILVER. You won't be able to wear it for a long time" he explained calmly but the anger was clearly heard in his voice. If it really was silver, and I was nearly a full werewolf, shouldn't it be hurting?
"But, it doesn't hurt when I put it on" I replied confused myself. He looked at my hand again and took the ring and immediately dropped it, cursing under his breath.
"Are you kidding me? It burns!" He nearly shouted. I saw the mark on his hand from where the ring was.
"It didn't hurt me, though" I said and picked it up and put it back on. I could see the confusion forming in his features.

"Maybe because you're not fully turned yet"

"Maybe, but shouldn't it be hurting me? I mean I am near enough a fully turned werewolf" I asked out loud and he nodded.
"You're right. Since Amber is a witch, she probably put a spell on that ring which was designed only for you to wear it and no other supernatural creature" he explained and I nodded along. I knew that, I mean it was obvious. Jack stared at the ring as if he was in doubt or deep thought.

"What?" I asked him.

"I just have bad feeling about this. Whatever she did to it, it's not GOOD" he said and raised an eyebrow. I knew what he meant. Amber specialised in black magic, and that type of magic is the most dangerous one. If she used it against me, I would have no chance what so ever. I would die at the spot.
"Hey, chill out. Nothing bad has happened yet. Besides, she was being nice so let's not take that for granted." I said and he looked as if he doubted my words but then nodded in agreement. The bell rang all around us which signalised tutor time.
"I guess you're right. I'll see you later" he hugged me quickly before walking away, his hands in his pockets and head low down. I sighed as my teacher came and we walked inside the classroom. I wonder what the rest of the day brings for me?

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