Chapter : 6

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I froze at the spot. I couldn't speak or move. I couldn't even make a noise of fear. I just froze and stared at the golden eyes. Everything in my body told me to run as fast as I can...but I couldn't. I was completely paralysed. The sense of fear was totally overwhelming me now. Not knowing what to do or how act, I just turned my flashlight off, buried my head into my legs and waited for the end. After few minutes it went silent again. I managed to get my head up and look around. I checked my phone and it was about 2:30 AM, but I wasn't tired at all. I knew I had school soon snd I should be sleeping in my warm bed right now, but this was more important to me. I put my phone down and took out my flashlight to check the spot once again, it was clear. I let out a sigh of relief and relaxed a little. I turned my flashlight off and thought it was time to sleep since I knew I would be tired in class.

I got my blanket out and laid down and closed my eyes. I rolled back and forth, then realised I couldn't sleep. I sat up right and that's when I felt breathing against my neck. I froze again. My eyes were as wide at the £2 coin at that moment. Sudden fear of death overwhelmed me more than ever. The breathing was so loud and so warm. I wanted to turn my head to face what ever it was, but I knew I couldn't. I took a deep breath and slowly managed to get up, ignoring the fact that my body was shaking. I turned around and what I saw nearly made me scream at the top of my lungs. I saw those gold eyes. The same eyes I saw before. It was very big, almost the same size as me standing up. I covered my mouth to stop myself from screaming. I knew that my childhood goal was to stroke a werewolf, but now that I'm facing one, it seems so bizarre to do that.

I slowly got my stuff still eyeing the creature from head to toe. It growled at me and it looks like it was about to jump and eat me alive. I looked around to find the nearest place to run, and since it wasn't that dark anymore I could see more clearly. My adrenaline was high, and my vision was blurry from my heart racing. Somehow I managed to spot a little pathway from the corner of my eyes. It was the same way I walked through. I took another glance at the creature which was now fully ready to jump and get onto me.

"Not today" I screamed and without any further hesitation I ran for my life. I ran as fast as I could through the woods and hoped that I would make it home in time. The pathway wasn't exactly easiest to run through, it had lots of branches laying around which meant that I could trip really easily, and also it had lots of different ways to go which made it even easier for me to get lost. I got the an end where the path splits. I cursed under my breath and suddenly remembered which way I came. I took the right turn and started running again. I was so exhausted that I couldn't even see clearly anymore. I wanted to slow down, but the thought of having a creature on my back chasing me gave me power to carry on. I didn't think about anything else rather than just running at that moment.

Then suddenly I found myself on the floor.
"What the...." I cursed and turned myself around to see what made me trip. I saw a massive branch laying around and my leg trapped. My heart starting racing even more, as if my body knew what was coming if I didn't get out. I tried to pull my leg out but without any success. I heard the howl near me and that's when I knew I was going to die. Tears started to fall down my cheek. I carried on pulling my leg and screaming within the pain. I pulled with all my strength, and after what feels like forever my leg comes out, meaning I could carry on running.

The howling was so near now that I didn't even stop to think about the pain, I just ran. I could see the end of the path which meant that I'm near my house. I ran as fast as I could...then suddenly...I was on the floor again. I felt something heavy on my back and a warm breath on my neck again.

"Shit shit shit shit" I whispered under my breath. I knew that the creature was on me and I couldn't do anything. I was trapped under its whole weight. I wanted to turn around and face it, as crazy as that sounds. I used all my strength that I had left in me and managed to turn around to face it. Now I could see it clearly. It was scarier than I thought. It's sharp teeth pointing at me, it's gold eyes staring right at me as if it was staring into my soul, it's warm breath near me, it's sharp nails in the ground making it almost impossible to get back up and it's black fur on top of me. That image gave me shivers down my spine. It howled and growled and then looked back at me. HOLY SHIT IT WAS GOING TO EAT ME. I took a deep breath and started to fight against it. I suddenly felt a horrible pain within my neck which radiated throughout my whole body. Then backness started to overwhelm me...all I could see was blackness. All I could hear was the sound of the werewolf. I knew it had bitten me.

*Jack's POV*

I woke up in the middle of the forest. I was naked and all my clothes were ripped. My head was hurting like hell and I couldn't remember what happened last night at all.

I opened my eyes and the sun felt like it was burning my eyes. I was laying in the middle of a forest. I examined my body and found bruises on my legs and arms. My nails were really dirty and had dirt and grass in them.

"What the hell did I do?" I asked myself. I looked around and found my bag laying near me. I took it and looked for my phone immediately. I found my phone and checked the time, it was 6:30 so about the time I was meant to be waking up anyway. I was still confused and all my body was hurting. I touched my teeth and my eyes widened as I felt dry blood. My fangs had blood on them, which only meant one thing.

No..." I screamed at the top of my lungs; shaking my head. I snapped out of it and grabbed my bag. I searched further through it and found some old jeans and a shirt that I could wear until I got home and washed myself.
"That'll do for now" I mumbled to myself and got up and walked towards my house.

"Have I seriously bitten someone last night? Or is this my imagination!" I thought to myself  and secretly hoped that it was only my imagination and I haven't harmed anyone. I know I'm a werewolf but the thought of bitting someone is driving me insane...I shook my head in disbelieve and carried on walking. I got to the end of the pathway and as I was about to leave the place, I looked down and saw the ground had a human figure imprinted in it and claws on each four sides. My heart dropped to my stomach when I saw a phone on the ground...and it wasn't just a normal phone, it was Sophies. I couldn't believe it. I shook my head again and brushed my hand through my hair. I was about to scream out of frustration. I picked up the phone and as I touched it all the memories came back. I was in the woods, and I was the one who attacked a human...but that human was in fact Sophie.

I just stood there trying to process this in my head, staring at the tragic that I have caused. How am I ever gone to explain this to her? What "hey Sophie, I bit you last night and now you're a werewolf!" Yeah, because that's totally going to work isn't it? Its not like she's going to get completely freaked out. I let out a massive sigh as I got in my house. I walked in as quietly as I can, I knew my parents were deeply asleep so that meant I was okay. I checked the time and it was 6:40 which meant I needed to hurry up.

I ran to my room, got my uniform and made my way to the bathroom. I had a shower
which gave me some time to think of a solution. I walked out, grabbed my school stuff  and ate breakfast, which  helped me to calm down a little. There was a clock on the wall and it said it was 7:10 am. I still had another few minutes until I had to be out the door so that gave me time to relax.


*Sophie's POV*

I opened my eyes. My vision was all misty, I could barely see anything and any light that would hit me was hurting my eyes. My head was spinning like crazy and I couldn't make out my surroundings.

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